APRIL 2009

March is over, April is upon us and it’s time to get down to business after our long (and very enjoyable) American trip.

Special greetings to all of our friends (Collectors & Dealers) we met at the WestCoaster… A very big thankyou to Louis, Hans & Larry and even more friends at the recent New York Symposium and, finally, some old friends and a few new ones at our “Merlot & Miniatures” Evening at Kings X in San Antonio.



A. “Remember The Alamo!”

Six all new Alamo add-ons to reinforce this great dramatic collection…


RTA043 “Lying Wounded Texian


RTA044 “Dead Mexican Soldier”


RTA045 “Kneeling Firing Defender”


RTA046 “Loading Mexican Soldier”


RTA047 “Fighting Duo III”

A wounded defender takes his last shot at an advancing Mexican infantryman.


AVAILABILITY: Mid to Late April



The British have evacuated their army at DunkirkBelgium and Holland have fallen… the French Army and Government are retreating and… Paris is an “open city”.

June 14, 1940, the first long columns of German troops enter the French capitol. Around the Arc de Triomple… down the Champs d’ Elysées the jackbooted soldiers march. They are tired… weary… but triumphant. K&C captures the moment perfectly.


FoB054Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein

Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein takes the salute mounted on his favourite steed “Tambour”.


FoB055 “German Mounted Adjutant”

Captain Helmut Eckhardt, Manstein’s Adjutant, accompanies his General.


FoB056Wehrmacht Mounted Officer”

This infantry colonel proudly leads his men past the reviewing officers.


FoB057Wehrmacht Officer Marching”

A marching officer returns the General’s salute… army style!


FoB058Wehrmacht Rifleman”

Still wearing the full battle-order this soldaten is weary but happy his battle is over… for a time.


FoB059Wehrmacht Bugler”


FoB060 “Winning The Knight’s Cross”

A superb little 2-man vignette… As the young infantry officer stands stiffly to attention a General fastens the ribbon of the Knight’s Cross around his neck.


As the Battle of France was coming to a close another battle was about to begin… “The Battle of Britain”.


FoB061 “For You Fritz The War Is Over!”

When the Luftwaffe began to attack the British Isles they also began to suffer much greater losses… thanks to the brave fighter pilots of the Royal Air Force.


Here, a young, arrogant Luftwaffe airman has had his aircraft shot down… over Southern England.


In this little scene he is closely guarded by an old Army Veteran now in the uniform of the “Home Guard”… Dad’s Army… Standing, notebook in hand, a typical unarmed British “Bobby” is taking down details of the captured pilot… A great little 3-man set… Sorry, though, you need to find your own crashed German aircraft.


Available Now!



In August 1942, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill paid a surprise visit to see the men of the Eighth Army fighting in North Africa.

During his trip Churchill inspected many different units of Britain’s Desert Army and met with the newly appointed Commanding General Bernard Montgomery better known as “Monty”.

Churchill liked what he saw… there was a renewed fighting spirit in the men and in Montgomery they had a leader, who at long last, exuded confidence and ability. In a few short months the Eighth Army under Montgomery would defeat Erwin Rommel and his Afrika Korps at a little known Egyptian railhead called… El Alamein.

These new figures commemorate that historic visit and honour the men of the Desert Army.


EA026 “Pipes & Drums”

K&C’s first all-new pipe band in 12 years! This twelve-piece group comprises 1x Drum Major, 1x Pipe Major, 3x pipers, 1x big drummer, 2x bass drums and 4 side drummers of the Black Watch, the senior Highland Regiment.

All our band are in “shirt-sleeve” parade order and are wearing the “Royal Stewart” kilts for the pipers and the “Government Black Watch” tartan for the remainder.

Additional pipers and drummers are available as “singles” to increase your band or as individual figures.


EA026(A) “Drum Major”


EA026(B) “Pipe Major”


EA026(C) “Piper”


EA026(D) “Big Drum”


EA026(E) “Bass Drum”


EA026(F) “Side Drum”


EA031(SL) “Churchill & His Generals”
Our latest “Strictly Limited” and a truly unique offering…

Here, the great man himself is perched on the rear of an 8th. Army Humber Staff Car giving his famous 2 finger “V for Victory” salute.

Alongside him are Chief of the Imperial General Staff… Field Marshal Alan Brooke, Churchill’s loyal ally and military supremo.

In front of them is the 8th.Army’s General Montgomery… Driving the vehicle is a Corps of Military Police sergeant.

Just 999 of this great Churchill set are being produced and it is sure to be popular not only with toy soldier collectors but also “Churchilliana” enthusiasts!


On parade for the Prime Ministers’ inspection are the following…


EA032 “Saluting Scottish Officer”

An officer of the Gordon Highlanders, swagger stick under one arm, salutes Churchill.


EA033 “Gordon Highlander Presenting Arms”


EA034 “Saluting Gurkha Officer”


EA035Gurkha Rifleman Standing at Attention”


EA036 “Sikh Regiment Marching Officer”


EA037 “Sikh Rifleman Marching”


EA038 “Coldstream Guards Sergeant”


EA039 “Coldstream Guardsman Shoulder Arms”


Special Divisional Note:

Our new Pipes & Drums and Gordon Highlanders are from the famous 51st. Highland Division.

K&C’s Gurkhas and Sikhs are from the 4th. Indian Division.

And our Guardsmen are from the Guards Brigade of the 78th. Division.





A.“Life at the Berghof

In 1933, Adolf Hitler purchased a simple Alpine cottage in the Obersalzberg in Southern Germany. For most of the next 12 years this was to be his mountain retreat where he could relax among his friends and closest associates.

During that time the Berghof evolved to become the Fuhrer’s Southern headquarters of the Third Reich, second only to Berlin in its importance.

Here, for the first time, is an important addition to the Berlin38” series showing the more domestic, seldom-seen, side of Hitler and his henchmen.


LAH099 “Hitler & His Dog”

Although often ill-at-ease with people Hitler, a life-long vegetarian, genuinely loved animals… especially dogs. Here, he wears his simple field gray jacket adorned with his party badge, Iron Cross First Class, Imperial German Wound Badge and black trousers.

By his side is his faithful German ShepherdBlondi… Together they would die in his Berlin bunker in May 1945.


LAH101Berghof Waiters”

The majority of the Fuhrer’s staff at the Berghof were drawn from his own personal SS bodyguard regiment “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler”.

This little set comprises three of his SS waiters… one carrying the Fuhrer’s favourite chocolate cake… another pouring coffee… and the third overseeing the other two.

All three are dressed in white mess jackets with black trousers.


LAH102Berghof Table & Chairs”

Utilizing actual photos of the Berghof in its heyday K&C has replicated in miniature the tables and chairs seen on the patio of the Berghof in countless photos.

This set comprises one table and four chairs.


LAH112 “Hitler’s Berghof

Again using photographic evidence of the real building taken before its destruction after the Second World War K&C has reconstructed this two-piece miniature to portray the mountain retreat.

The front of the Berghof was dominated by a massive picture window facing onto some of the most beautiful vistas of the nearby mountains.

Built in a typical Alpine chalet style our model sits on a spacious patio area that can easily accommodate tables, chairs and any number of standing and sitting figures.

Each two-piece polystone, hand-painted set comes in its own very distinctive box.


Dimensions are as follows:

The Berghof Building:    12.5” x 4” x 9.5” (328mm x 111mm x 253mm)

The Berghof Patio: 14” x 10.5” x 3” (376mm x 276mm x 77mm)




B. “Back to the Trenches!”

From the rarified atmosphere of the mountains to the grim hell of the Western Front in 1917…

Last month we introduced our new 1917” figures of attacking British infantry and tank, this month it’s the turn of the opposition…

Just as British troops had adapted their uniforms… their equipment… and their tactics since 1914 so had their Imperial German Army opponents.

By 1917 the typical German Soldatenwas wearing the by now famous “coal-scuttle” steel helmet and a much simpler, more practical uniform. Many had even adopted the cloth leggings called “puttees” from the British troops in preference to their own traditional jackboots.

Their fighting skills however were just as deadly and efficient as before perhaps even improved by three hard years of battlefield experience.

These new K&C First World War Germans are determined to put up a fierce fight even as their British opponents approach their front-line trenches…


FW050Officer with Pistol & Field Telephone”

Mauser Pistol in hand this officer is frantically calling for reinforcements!


FW051 “Grenadier Set”

Two man-set complete with plenty of “potato-mashers”.


FW052 “Machine Gun Set”

As the gunner aims his Maxim ’08 Machine Gun his “number-two” brings up extra ammo.


FW053 “Kneeling Firing Rifleman”


FW054 “Standing Firing Rifleman”


FW055 “Standing with Rifle & Bayonet”


FW056 “Sniper”


FW05777mm Artillery Set (1917)”

Three “coal-scuttle” German artillerymen prepare to fire their field gun at the advancing enemy. Note the splinter camouflage paint scheme.


FW05877mm Artillery Set (1914)”

An alternative 1914 version of the 77 field gun with an early-war 3-man crew to match.


FW059 “Artillery Officer with Binos (1914)”

A great add-on figure to command the early-war field gun set.




C. “Back to the Streets and… In the water!”

As usual, no “DISPATCHES” is complete without the latest “Streets of Old Hong Kongadditions… In this case we’ve taken to the water with no less than two great looking Sampans and their crew.


HK174 “Sampan Set #1”


HK175 “Sampan Set #2”


HK177 “Stray Dog”

Always useful in any scene!





Quite a large batch of goodies on this month’s retired list… and maybe a couple of surprises… Check them out…



AK02710.5cm Field Gun”

AK038Stug III Assault Gun (Afrika Korps Version)”



FJ001-07 “FJ MG34 Machine Gun Team”

FJ002-07 “FJ Mortar Team”

FJ003-07 “Weapons Container”

FJ004-07 “FJ Bugler”

FJ005-07 “Returning Fire”

FJ006-07 “Prisoner & Escort”

FJ007-07 “Anti-tank Gun Set”

FJ008-07 “FJ Motorcycle Combo”

FJ009-07 “FJ Dispatch Rider”



FoB022 “Walking Rifleman w/ Helmet”

FoB023 “Pointing Sergeant Major”

FoB031 “The French 75 Gun Set”



LAH042 “LAH Headquarter”

LAH043 “LAH Annex”

LAH055 “Motorcycle Escort”



MG014 “Kneeling w/ Umbrella”



MK003 “Foot Knight w/Sword & Crucifix”

MK006 “Foot Soldier w/Spear & Shield”

MK013 “Crossbowman Firing”

MK014 “Knight Fighting w/Axe & Shield”

MK016 “Fighting Bishop”

MK040 “Saracen Casualty”



NA064 “Guard Artillery Set”

NA065 “Artillery Officer w/ Telescope”

NA066 “Artillery Officer Mounted”



SP020 “The Barrel and Ladder Farmyard Set”



And that, as I usually say, is that… I hope you find something you were looking for and something else to look forward to…

Many thanks again for your continued support…and  loyalty!


Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country