April 2017
And so we
come to April...
Before getting into
this months latest releases allow me to extend my grateful thanks to all those
K&C collectors (and others) I was fortunate enough to meet and talk with
on this last visit to The Land of OZ.
Its always encouraging (and for me exciting) to hear their thoughts,
comments, suggestions and ideas on the hobby in general and K&C in
particular. Lots of great gatherings in each city thanks to the combined
efforts of Brett (The Military Workshop) in Brisbane ...
Peter & Sven & Leigh (Elite Military Miniatures) in
Sydney and Howard (The Toy Soldier Experience) ably
assisted by Robin in Adelaide and Melbourne All great blokes
and three great toy soldier shops! Thankyou
once more.
And now onto the main event ...
A) Riflemen to the front!
Its been a long time since K&C produced any riflemen to face up to Bonapartes
men. Our last British riflemen were actually Kings
German Legion and date back to 2005! Over the years there have
been more than a few requests by dealers and collectors to produce more and so
we have... and here they are ... This time the men of the 95th
In 1800, an Experimental Corps
of Riflemen was raised from officers and men drawn from the regular
line regiments of the British Army.
The recruits selected for
this new military experiment were chosen from the fittest and smartest young
soldiers of their parent regiments ... They also had to be
the best marksmen!
This new formation was to act as
scouts and skirmishers in advance of the main army as well as covering the
flanks of any larger advancing force.
They had to blend into the
countryside as well as move swiftly through it. Not for them the
traditional scarlet coat and white crossbelts of the
regular British infantry even their military appearance was different ... These
new riflemen wore dark green uniforms together with all-black
belts, pouches and backpacks.
Importantly, they carried the much
more accurate shorter Baker Rifle in place of the more cumbersome Brown
Bess musket of the remainder of the army.
After two years of tests, trials and
tribulations they were formally brought into the British Army as The 95th
Rifles in April 1802.
We are releasing our first 11
officers and men of the 95th in two small batches,
this first comprises 6 individual figures which will be sold
separately and in a Special 8-Figure Value Added Bonus set
95th Rifles Officer w / Telescope
Observing the enemy as his
men move forward to take up firing positions.
Lying Sniper
This lying prone 95th Rifleman
rests his Baker Rifle on his shako as he takes careful aim. His
bandaged head is perhaps the result of a previous violent encounter with the
NA378 95th
Unlike other regular British line regiments the
95th did not employ drummers but instead used bugle calls
to transmit instructions across the battlefield.
This man maybe a
bugler but he still carries his Baker Rifle.
NA379 Lying Prone
A companion piece to NA377, this
rifleman adopts the prone position in order to use the countryside as convenient
cover and take a better aim on the enemy.
NA380 Advance To Your
Rifle held at the high port
position this rifleman dashes forward.
NA381 Kneeling Firing
Another favourite
firing position while presenting a smaller target to your enemy.
NA-S03 The Rifle
A special Value Added Bonus Package
of 8 figures which combines all 6 of the above releases
together with 2 additional riflemen NA379 + NA381 ... And
all at a very special price!
Special Note
: FIVE additional
95th Rifles soldiers are being released this coming
June ... Among them will be one more officer (advancing
with sword) ... a 95th Rifles Sergeant ... A Chosen
Man and two more riflemen in action.
B) On The Eastern Front
When the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union in
June 1941 there were many Russians who welcomed the Germans as liberators
from the Godless Communists ... Here are the first three Russian
Civilians (more to come) giving a guarded welcome to the German
invaders ...
FOB139 The Little Apple Seller
A young girl, gaily dressed in traditional
peasant costume stands by the roadside with a basket of apples from the local
FOB140 A Serf with
a Scythe
An older peasant stands with his scythe
watching a column of Germans pass by.
FOB143 A
Russian Orthodox Priest
Offering a blessing, this elderly
priest hopes these invaders from the West might get rid of the hated Communists
once and for all!
On Sunday morning 7 December 1941, an urgent radiogram
went out to all U.S. Navy ships in Hawaiian waters.
The message was sent minutes after Japanese
aircraft first started dropping bombs and launching torpedoes on the US
Pacific Fleet based at Pearl Harbor.
Caught completely by surprise on that
fateful Sunday morning the military response was, at first, slow and painful
... Just a handful of US fighter aircraft managed to get into the air to combat
the marauding Japanese Zeroes, Vals
and Kates.
Among the pilots who took to the
skies over Hawaii were Lieutenants Ken Taylor and George Welch
flying their P40 Tomahawks.
Both pilots exploits on 7 December
have been portrayed in movies such as TORA! TORA! TORA! (1970)
and PEARL HARBOR (2001)
AF041 Pearl Harbor P40 Tomahawk
This is the third version of the CURTISS
P-40 Tomahawk that K&C has made. Previous models
have included an RAF Desert Air Force one and the classic Flying Tigers
The new model is in the standard
olive drab and light grey colour scheme typical of US
Army Air Corps aircraft at this time. Our model bears the code number 160
of the aircraft 2nd Lieut . George Welch flew on 7 December and belongs to
the 15th Pursuit Squadron.
The Air Corps officially credited Lieut. Welch with 4
kills and several others damaged.
This Pearl Harbor P40
comes complete with a standing figure of a US Army Air Corps pilot wearing
a non standard Hawaiian shirt over his
khakis and carrying a.45 Colt Automatic.
Note: Just 150 of this aircraft are being
D) From Pearl Harbor to Palestine ...
As regular readers of DISPATCHES know K&C likes to move
around the globe every month ... at least as far as general releases allow ...
This month is no exception!
Once more we return to Palestine and the exploits of the Australian
Light Horse in their campaign against Johnny Turk during the
First World War.
However, on this occasion we are
in camp... either before or just after the battle .
Preparing Some Grub
A crouching Light
Horse trooper uses his bayonet to hold a billy
can full of tea over a little camp fire.
Enjoying a Brew-Up
Even in the desert heat of Palestine a mug
of tea can actually be quite refreshing as these two Diggers know.
AL078 A Drink of Water
This kneeling trooper pours water out of his
canteen into his upturned slouch hat for his four-legged mate to
AL079 Preparing to
About to head out on picket duty or a patrol
this trooper carries his saddle over to his waiting horse.
AL086 New Zealand
Mounted Rifles Officer
Last month we launched the first 3 figures
of this New Zealand release. Here, a wee bit later is their
Mounted Rifles officer on his charging horse aiming his revolver at the
AVAILABLE: Early April
E) All Roads Lead to Rome!
To be honest, I dont know who originally
said it but in the case of K&C and this release it certainly seems to be true ...
Here are five
(5) more great releases to add on to our first four (4)
launched earlier.
ROM002 The Tribune
Every Roman Legion was commanded by a Legate,
he in turn was assisted by no less than six Tribunes.
These were men usually drawn from the Romes upper social class.
In camp and on the battlefield they were easily recognized by their more
decorative and expensive armour.
Among their many
duties were general administration and management of all military camps, forts
and other establishments. That also included food supply, overall
security and enforcing discipline as well as ordering punishments when
Each Tribune in
turn had a number of clerical assistants to prepare reports, records and
Our K&C Mounted
Tribune is the perfect companion to ROM001 The Legate.
ROM005 The Optio
This non-commissioned officer was
the centurions right-hand man appointed personally by him.
The Optio was in charge of the instruction and training of
all new recruits as well as assisting his Centurion in whatever requirements
were necessary in the running of the Century.
Optios often wore crested helmets and carried long
canes to enforce good order and discipline.
ROM006 The Aquilifer
One of the most important men in the Legion
because he carries the Eagle Standard of that particular
He wears a
Lions pelt and head over his scale armour.
On his back is the small round shield carried by Aquilifers,
Signifiers and some other senior Legion NCOs.
ROM010 Legionary on
For any Roman collector this particular
soldier is a must-have. Standing on guard duty, either at a gate
or on a wall, he carrier his Pilum in his right hand while his left
holds onto his large Legion-issue shield.
ROM011 Standing
Legionary w/Marius Mule
This Legionary is preparing to leave his fort
or encampment and move to a new location. He carries all of his personal
belongings, necessary kit and other items on this baggage pole along with his
large and small swords and the Pilum.
His shield
might be carried with the baggage train.
AVAILABLE: Early April
F) Desert Pendezvous
Somewhere in the sands of Libya a
vehicle patrol of the Long Range Desert Group comes to a halt to check
their maps and present location.
EA120 LRDG 30cwt.
Chevrolet Truck
An additional vehicle to a very popular
range of LRDG / SAS trucks and jeeps issued by K&C over the years.
This 3rd
Chevy is painted in a very attractive sand / faded green finish
and comes with an Arab head-dressed driver, and armed with the Boyes Anti Tank Rifle
on a pindle mount on the rear of the vehicle.
LRDG vehicles have always been very popular with Desert War
collectors and occasionally appear on ebay ... So
its good to add an all-new one.
EA121 Sandy
This bearded LRDG desperado is
about to either a) help dig the truck out or
b) go for a little walk behind the nearest sand dune to perform a necessary
human function ... You decide.
EA122 Dusty Miller
Dusty, map in hand, has acquired,
after a few raids and missions, some authentic Afrika
Korps souvenirs including the cap, a map case and
an MP40 Schmeisser Machine Pistol.
EA123 Jock
A Scottish member of the patrol, wearing an
old Solar Topee sun helmet and carefully
scrutinizes the surrounding landscape for any signs of life as well as any
approaching Germans or Italians. Can also fit easily onto the rear of the
G) On The Streets of Olde London
The Hansom Cab was a single horse-drawn carriage first
patented in Britain by Joseph Hansom in 1834.
For many years during the Victorian era they
were a familiar sight on the streets of London and other large British cities.
Soon their fame and
use travelled far and wide ... First to Europe and finally on to New York.
They continued to be widely used until the advent of the motor car when they
were superseded. By the early 1920s they had all but disappeared from
Londons streets.
Their popularity
and appeal today however has been mainly through films and television ... No self respecting Victorian street scene is rarely complete
without the familiar clip-clop sound of at least one or two Hansom Cabs.
WOD058-1 Hansom Cab (Yellow)
The first of our two Standing Horse cabs is decorated in a golden
yellow and black paint scheme and comes with the seated driver.
Hansom Cab (Red)
The second version sports a Wine Red
finish and again has a driver on the
back seat.
Two additional versions of these cabs will
be available later with Walking Horses.
And that my friends
is that for the month of April ... Except, of course, for some retirements ... Now
read on
NE045 Rear
Admiral Horatio Nelson
NE046 R.N.
First Lieutenant
NE047 R.N.
Midshipman w/Union Jack
WS251 German
Officer Prisoner
WS262 Red
Cross Nurse
With Best Wishes,
Andy C. Neilson
Co-founder & Creative Director
King & Country Hong Kong