DECEMBER being the ‘Festive Month’ here
at King & Country we have brought together a select little collection of
interesting and historical subjects that provide the perfect Yuletide gifts for
collectors and history buffs alike.
So, sit yourself down, put your feet up and
take a closer look at what might be under your Christmas tree on the 25th
of December.
The Atlantic Wall was an extensive line of coastal defenses and
fortifications built by the Germans between 1942 and 1944 along the coast of
Western Europe and Scandinavia. Its purpose was to defend Nazi-occupied
Europe from an attack expected to come from Great Britain.
Although construction began in 1942 by late
1943 it was far from complete and its actual strength and size was greatly
exaggerated by German propaganda.
Early in 1944. as an Allied invasion
of the Continent became ever more likely, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
was put in charge of improving and building up the wall’s defenses. Rommel’s
main concern however was Allied air power. He had seen in North Africa
how the might of the British and American air forces could inflict huge damage
on his ground forces and it had left a deep impression.
In Western Europe he also knew that any German
counter attacks would be broken up by Allied aircraft long before they reached
any invading beachhead. Rommel intended to stop the enemy invaders on the beach
itself and to accomplish that many more bunkers, pill boxes and beach obstacles
had to be constructed and installed as quickly as possible.
In order to do that plans, designs and models
for all of these defenses had to be approved by the Fuhrer himself.
And so we have...
WH093 “Hitler, His Generals & The Atlantic Wall”
This original display set portrays just one of
the many meetings where Hitler, the amateur architect, and three
of his top generals, including Rommel review some of the latest
design models for additional Atlantic Wall fortifications.
The set includes an arms-folded Fuhrer,
Field Marshal Rommel, Field Marshal Walter Model on leave
from the Eastern Front and SS Oberst-Gruppenfuhrer
‘Sepp’ Dietrich who would go on to command the 1st SS
Panzer Corps during the Battle of Normandy following the invasion.
In front of all four figures is a large table
on which are displayed a number of different bunker and pill-box design models
for Hitler to comment on and, hopefully, approve.
A great little set that helps tells part of a
very big and dramatic story!
Available: Early December
Go back almost 1900 years and you find yourself
battling a different set of invaders... The Romans this time!
Back then both sides believed in “an eye for
an eye... a tooth for a tooth!” Well, in this particular case it’s a little
more deadly than that...
RnB024 “A Head for a
Head!” #1
A Celtic warrior triumphantly holds aloft a
severed Roman head!
RnB025 “A Head for a
Head!” #2
A Roman soldier returns the compliment.
RnB026 “Optio
w/Sword & Helmet”
A useful figure to have in any camp or fort
scene... This ‘Optio’ observes what is
going on around him.
RnB028 “Boadicea, Queen of the Iceni”
Boadicea or Boudica if you
prefer was a Queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe who led a major uprising
against Roman rule in AD60-61.
Originally Boadicea was the wife of Prasutagus, King of the British Celtic tribe called
the Iceni. He ruled as a nominally independent ally of Rome but
when he died Rome annexed his kingdom and had his property confiscated.
Prasutagus widow, Boadicea was a strong and
skillful leader herself and soon gathered together her own and other tribes
angry and rebellious against Roman rule and determined to overthrow it.
Within a short time Boadicea and her armies
conquered and sacked several of the most important Roman settlements in
Britain... They destroyed Camulodunum
(Colchester) and even Londinium
(present day London).
An estimated 70-80,000 Romans and their
British allies were killed during this brief but bloody reign of terror.
Soon however the Romans regrouped their forces
and, despite being heavily outnumbered, defeated Boadicea at the Battle
of Watling Street (an ancient trackway between St. Albans and
Canterbury). Following her defeat she is said to have taken poison to
avoid falling alive into Roman hands.
Much of what is known about this remarkable
female warrior comes from Roman historians, “She was tall in appearance with
a strong voice, her mane of thick, reddish brown hair fell almost to her
hips. In battle, she wore a tunic of divers colours over which there was a richly decorated metal
breastplate, in addition she would carry a man’s sword and often a spear too.”
Our first Boadicea has the Queen standing ready
to meet the Romans.
RnB029 “The Fighting Boadicea”
Here the Queen adopts a more aggressive
stance... both hands clutching her dead husband’s sword. Woe betide any Roman that comes near to this
Warrior Queen!
Available: Early December
Here are the first 5 reinforcements for
the hard-pressed little garrison defending the old Spanish Mission in San
Antonio against the might of Santa Anna’s army during March 1836.
Concerning the actual number of men defending
the Alamo most eye witness accounts vary... anywhere from 182-257.
Everyone agrees though that they came from all over the then United States and
Europe as well as some locally born Tejanos (Texans of Mexican
Most of these volunteers were civilian although
some had previous military experience elsewhere. Their general appearance was
as mixed and different as their various backgrounds and origins. A few had
certain bits of uniforms, weapons and equipment but most wore their everyday
clothes and carried their own chosen weaponry. Our first 5 figures display
well this lack of uniformity and military formality...
RTA109 “Joseph Kerr, New Orleans Greys”
This Louisiana man was one of just 23
men from this volunteer militia unit that fought and died at the Alamo on that
fateful morning of March 6, 1836. He still wears his grey tunic although
has adopted a more practical broad-brimmed straw hat.
Here he moves forward while reaching for a
fresh cartridge for his musket.
RTA112 “William Lightfoot of Kentucky”
A recent migrant to Texas, he came to seek his
fortune and adventure... At the Alamo he will find neither but well-armed with
his rifle, a pistol and a knife he will go down fighting and into history.
RTA113 “John Purdy Reynolds of Pennsylvania”
Another of the Easterners who
sought their future in Texas.
Here he advances on the Mexican infantry storming over the wall in early dawn
of March 6.
RTA114 “William E. Summers, Gonzalez Mounted
Ranger Company”
In the early hours of March 1, 1836 a small,
mounted force of 32 men picked their way carefully through the Mexican lines
and then made a mad, wild dash for the main gate of the little beleaguered
mission. All of them knew their chances of survival were slim but they
remained with their fellow defenders and fought to the bitter end in the final
William E. Summers came from Tennessee and had originally
been a trapper and still wore his buckskin jacket.
RTA115 “William P. King, Gonzalez Mounted
Ranger Company”
The youngest volunteer in the Ranger Company
and also one of the youngest in the entire Alamo Garrison... just 16 years
old. His father was to have been part of the Gonzalez Company but
took sick... Young William replaced him and even at 16 was a skilled horseman
and crack shot.
Available: Early December
This past November we launched the first of THREE
Kűbelwagen Ambulances, now
let’s introduce you to the other two...
WH088 “The Feldgrau
Kűbelwagen Ambulance”
This ‘feldgrau’
field grey Kubelwagen is typical of the early–war
period from 1939-1942 when virtually ALL German Wehrmacht vehicles
were painted a standard field grey.
This particular Kubelwagen
stands ‘empty’ awaiting both its driver and wounded passenger.
Ideal for any display using
our other German battlefield ambulances and medical personnel.
WH094 “The ‘Afrika Korps’ Kűbelwagen Ambulance”
Another version... another ‘Theatre of War’...
North Africa this time and painted in ‘dunkelgelb’
(sand yellow) and rust / brown camouflage.
Perfect for desert dioramas
between 1941 and 1943... or even Sicily and the early Italian Campaign.
Available: Mid December
The successful and daring rescue of deposed
Italian dictator Benito Mussolini from the top of the Gran Sasso plateau must go down as one of the most dramatic special forces operations in military history.
Arrested by his own senior officers in July
1943, the former ‘Il Duce’ had been imprisoned in an isolated and
well-guarded mountain-top resort in the heart of Italy called Hotel Campo
Access to this Hotel could only be by a
heavily-guarded cable-car station... or so the Italian captors thought.
An infuriated Adolf Hitler demanded that his
old friend and ally be rescued and gave the task to his Paratroop Commander, General
der Fallschirmjager Kurt Student to organize.
This, Student did immediately and brilliantly
selecting some of his best paratroopers and officers.
For political reasons, an SS detachment,
under the command of Haupsturmfuhrer
Otto Skorzeny had to be involved, much to the
dismay of both Student and his men.
On 12 September 1943, Student’s Fallschirmjagers plus Skorzeny
and his small group of Waffen SS mounted their daring glider-borne
assault on the Hotel and its most famous imprisoned occupant....
LW066 “Mussolini’s Rescue Set”
This great-looking four-man set portrays a
forlorn-looking Mussolini just a few minutes after his rescue, walking
with his hands dug deep into the pockets of his long, black overcoat... On his
head a black ‘Fedora’ hat pulled well down a far cry from the proud and
strutting, uniformed leader of just a few years before.
By the dictator’s side is the tall, confident
figure of Hauptsturmfuhrer Otto Skorzeny, Himmler’s chosen man to accompany the Luftwaffe
Fallschirmjagers on this dangerous mission.
Skorzeny, although a Waffen SS officer, is wearing the
tropical uniform of a Paratroop Officer. The reason for this is that it
was felt that German Luftwaffe airmen would be more ‘acceptable’ to
Mussolini’s captors than SS men...!
Flanking both men are TWO actual Fallschirmjagers... One officer and one enlisted man...
It’s interesting to note that while the officer carries the well-known Schmeisser MP40 machine pistol, his junior carries the revolutionary FG-42
Assault Rifle. This weapon, built in small numbers, was very advanced for its
time but too costly and utilized too many precious metals to be manufactured in
great quantities.
Both of our Fallschirmjagers
are wearing the ‘Tropical’ versions of their camouflage smocks and
the light Khaki, loose-fitting trousers.
This set also comes in its own Labeled box.
Available: Mid December
Last July, K&C launched the first 5
“Aussies in Vietnam” figures... One set of 4 making up
part of a fighting patrol plus a single patrol commander figure
to celebrate 10 years of our Annual Visits Down Under to meet our
dealers and talk to our collectors in that part of the world. I am happy
to report that these new ‘fighting Aussies’ proved a big hit not
only in Australia but around the world with other K&C collectors... Especially those who were already collecting our ‘Vietnam
And so, as soon as I returned from Australia,
work immediately began on additional Australian ‘Vietnam War’ troops...
And here are the next batch of Aussies...
VN051 “Aussies on Patrol”
This latest 4-man set comprises four terrific
add-on figures to the first five. Leading the way is a kneeling Aboriginal
soldier of ‘The Royal Australian Regiment’ holding his M16 in one hand
and signalling silently to his mates that the ‘enemy
is in sight’.
Another kneeling soldier nearby lifts his
L1A1 SLR to his shoulder and prepares to engage the enemy.
Meanwhile the remaining two soldiers move
stealthily forward to take up fire positions as they await the remainder of the
9-man patrol to follow up.
Available: Early December
If you are collecting K&C’s ‘THE REAL
WEST’ you can never have ‘too many Indians’!!!
Especially one as fine as
this mounted warrior.
TRW145 ‘Lone Wolf’
A Cheyenne ‘Dog Soldier’
ready to take on Custer’s 7th Cavalry or maybe just acting as
a scout for a marauding War Party.
However you choose to use him he makes a fine addition to any Plains Indian
Available: Mid December
The New Pharaoh’s Gate
Wall Gods Set
Panzer IV H
WoD058-1 Hansom
Cab (Yellow)
WoD058-2 Hansom
Cab (Red)
And that my friends, is that for December and
2018. By the time you read this I will have taken part in the Yuletide ‘London
Show’ and be on my way to Paris for a ‘Collector
Event’ there followed by another ‘Meet ‘n Greet’ in Italy a few days
Before I know it I’ll be back in HK and hard at
work preparing for 2019.
So, may I take this opportunity to wish you
all, near and far, a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous
New Year!
All the
best and happy collecting,
Andy C.
& Creative Director
King & Country Ltd.