JULY 2012


WELL HERE WE ARE IN JULY after a 2-day holiday to celebrate the “Return-to-China” of Hong Kong. It’s been 15 years since that epic night when the Union Jack was lowered for the last time and China’s red flag was hoisted up the flagpole. It’s also 35 years since myself and Laura (K&C’s other co-founder) arrived in what was then a British Crown Colony to begin my training as a junior inspector in the Royal Hong Kong Police. Little did I know then that somewhere in my future was a little toy soldier company called… King & Country!

        And so, here is what that little company has to offer this month…


1.          FOR RELEASE IN JULY…

A .“Somewhere in the sands of Egypt”


AE047 “The Mummy’s Statue”

A great little display item with lots of detail that can be used primarily in an “Ancient Egypt” scenario… or just as well with “Napoleon in Egypt” figures or even WW2’s Afrika Korps or 8th Army.




B .“Back to Beersheba”

Still in the Middle East but we’ve moved across the Sinai Desert and are now in Palestine during the First World War


AL032 “Machine Gun Set”

Two Lighthorse troopers man a Vickers Heavy Machine Gun in support of their charging comrades.


AL033 “Up and Over!”

        This jumping Lighthorseman has leapt his mount over part of a Turkish sandbag defense works.


AL034 “Turkish Soldier Thrusting Bayonet”

        This “Johnny Turk” is doing his best to fend off the mounted Australian.


AL035 “Turkish Soldier Running”

Crouched over this Turkish soldier tries to avoid the hoofs of the leaping horse.


Special Note: Due to popular demand there will now be at least two releases of Australian and Turkish Soldiers throughout the year.




C .“… And Back to Ancient China”

K&C are issuing no less than three famous Chinese Generals from the “Three Kingdoms” period…


IC043 “Cao Cao”

Cao Cao was a well-known military strategist in the “Three Kingdoms” period and also an outstanding poet. 


IC044 “Liu Bei

Well known as a benevolent and humane ruler.


IC045 “Lord Guan Yu”

A General of Liu Bei.  He can be easily recognized by his red face and long lush beard. Temples and shrines dedicated exclusively to Guan Yu can still be found in China today.




D .“Napoleon in Egypt”

Four colourfully dramatic additions to this very collectable series…


NE019 “Standing General w/Map”

A beautifully detailed senior officer consults his map.


NE020 “Guide w/ Musket”


NE021 “Inspecting the Mummy ”

A French soldier and a local Nubian guide take a closer look at a mummified body in a casket they have unearthed.


NE026 “Smoke Break”

Another of Napoleon’s men pauses to light his pipe.





E .“A Place Called YALTA”

In early 1945 American President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill journeyed to the Crimean resort of Yalta to meet Soviet Russia’s Joseph Stalin. Together these three men decided on the final progress of the war against Hitler’s Third Reich and their own plans for post war Germany and the rest of Europe.


DD106 “The Big three”

The three seated leaders make a strong contrast in style … Churchill, in his Royal Air Force uniform ebullient and confident … Marshal Stalin, quiet and brooding in his Red Army uniform and Roosevelt, the sole “civilian” but wearing a U.S. Navy boat cloak.

This great little set commemorates the last time all three of these Allied leaders were to meet… Within a few months Roosevelt would die…Churchill would be voted out of office… Only ”Uncle Joe” would remain!





F .“Fields of Battle”

From a gathering of the powerful we move to some of the more humble participants in the Second World War… The Civilians.


FoB067 “Mother & Daughter”

A mother and daughter glance nervously upwards at the sound of approaching aircraft … A scene that could be France in the summer of 1940… Britain during the Blitz of 1941… or even Germany from 1942 onwards. Another mini tableau of civilians caught in wartime.


FoB068 “Old Man & Wheel Barrow”

A companion piece to the previous set… Pushing a few meager belongings all this man seeks is peace and safety.


Read All About It!

Three individual versions of the same figure… Carrying newspaper banners telling three different stories…


FoB070 “Newspaper Seller#1”


FoB086 “Newspaper Seller#2”


FoB087 “Newspaper Seller#3”




G .“Life of Jesus”

Three new Roman soldiers join one of the most famous men in the Bible… Plus some very interesting onlookers.


LoJ021Primum Pilus

                One of the Legion’s senior officers and most decorated for valour.


LoJ022 “Roman Auxiliary Saluting”

The out thrust arm salute originated with Rome’s Legions… it was only almost two millennium later if was copied first by Mussolini’s Fascists… and then the Nazis.


LoJ023 “Roman Auxiliary Drinking”

Patrolling the streets of Jerusalem and other towns in Israel was thirsty work. This auxiliary pauses for a drink. Is it water or wine?




LoJ024 “The Boot Maker”

Sitting on his work stool this craftsman could be found operating in many Roman garrisons. Often he would be a “retired” soldier or one who had been “invalided out of the Legion” because of wounds.


LoJ025 “John The Baptist”

The man who baptized Jesus himself and a well-known figure of the time preaching the length and breadth of Israel. He foretold the coming of the Lord and met his fate at the hands of Herod’s daughter, Salome.


LoJ026 “The Listener”

A bearded Pharisee listening to John’s preaching.


LoJ027 “Seated Man”

Another spectator listening to John’s preaching.


LoJ028 “Sitting Woman”

On her way back from the water well this woman sits and listens to words of John.


LoJ029 “The Scholar”

Seated on a colourful mat this young man is studying.


AVAILABLE: Mid to Late July



H .“Perfect For The Garage…”


SP052 “The Petrol Pumps” (set of 3)

A set of three vintage 1930’s style petrol/ gasoline pumps to set up outside our recently released “new” Normandy Garage (SP051)




I .“Scouting For Trouble”


WS197Sd. Kf2. 234/1 Schwerer Panzerspahwagen

After we released the “winter” version of this big 8-wheeler many collectors requested a “summer” camouflage alternative…And here it is… in typical three-colour late war camo suitable for both East and West fronts specially the Normandy campaign.




J .“The New Commanding Officer”


BR090 “Mounted Fusileer Officer”

A full-blown colonel of the 23rd. Royal Welch Fusileers mounted on his favourite steed and preparing to lead his men into battle.


AVAILABLE: Mid to Late July




2.          COMING IN AUGUST…

August is another great month for the sheer variety of what’s going to be available for K&C dealers and collectors alike.


A .“Crusaders on the March”

After a successful foray into a nearby Arab village these crusaders are returning to their encampment.


MK090 “Mounted Knight Hospitaller

This Frankish Hospitaller, banner held high, is not only a fierce warrior but also a devout one…


MK091 “The Treasure Seeker”

A Hospitaller Man-at-Arms with a banded chest full of captured gold and silver.


MK092 “Boris le Batarde

Not all Hospitaller Knights were as nice or as noble as our mounted leader…


MK093 “The Trumpeter”

This particular “Horn-Blower” signals ahead to let the guards at the Crusader encampment know the patrol is returning home.


MK094 “Marching Bannerman”


MK095 “Marching Man-at-Arms”


MK096 “The happy Man-at-Arms”

        This smiling foot soldier is happy be returning all in one piece.






DD178 “Major General Percy Hobart”

A fine “personality” figure of one of the “forgotten heroes” of D. Day. Percy Hobart devised and designed many of the specialized armoured vehicles that made the D. Day landings so successful. Here he is dressed in a classic British “duffel coat” and wearing a tank corps black beret. He also commanded the 79th. Armoured Division.





Through adversity to the stars” is the motto of Britain’s Royal Air Force and August is a bumper month for RAF releases…


RAF041 “Humber Heavy Utility”

The second version of this classic British WW2 transport… this time in “RAF blue” with a female driver and roundel on the bonnet. A very familiar sight on wartime airfields.


RAF042 “Spitfire Mk. IX”

This Mark IX Spitfire was reckoned by many pilots to be their favouriteSpit” to fly… It was also the most produced version of the 24 different kinds built during and after the war (over 9,000 Mk. IX’s were manufactured).

But this Spitfire is also very special. It is in the markings of Wing Commander J.E. “Johnnie” Johnson, Britain’s top-scoring ace of WW2 (34 “kills”).

Our K&C model is in D.Day markings and carries Johnson’s own initials (J.E.J.) on the fuselage. In addition it also has the “maple leaf”. Insignia as Johnnie was commanding the Canadian Spitfire Wing at that time… Just 300 are being made.


RAF043 “Flight Lieutenant Bill Reid V.C.”

On 3 November, 1943 F/Lieut. Reid. Captained Lancaster “O for Oscar” on a 600 bomber raid on Dusseldorf. While passing over Holland his aircraft was attacked by an Me.110 nightfighter. Bill Reid was seriously wounded by shell fragments and the Lancaster badly damaged but still flyable. Bill and his crew pressed on to their target.

Over Germany they were again attacked…by a FW190 this time and two crew were fatally injured. Bill along with his flight engineer was wounded again and lost their compass. Still they continued the mission… and dropped their bombs exactly on target!

On the route back to the U.K. their Lancaster encountered heavy flak over Holland but just managed to fly over the North Sea.

Although losing power (on all four engines at one point) Bill Reid managed to restart them and make an emergency landing at an airfield in Norfolk. His badly shot up Lancaster just managed to touch ground before the undercarriage collapsed and it completed the arrival on its belly.

For his courage, tenacity and leadership Bill Reid was awarded the Victoria Cross.

This brave but modest Scot passed away in 2001.


RAF044 “Air Vice Marshal Arthur “Bomber” Harris”

“Bomber” Harris was the “architect” of the RAF’s bombing offensive on Germany from 1942 until the end of the war in Europe. When Britain had no other way to hit back at the Germans Harris provided the leadership and the means.


RAF045 “RAF Airfield Tractor”

These “David Brown” tractors were a fixture on most British airfields from the war years until well into the 1950’s. Our distinctive version has the highly visible blue and yellow colour scheme and comes with a WRAF driver.


RAF046 “RAF Airfield Starter Cart”

Yet another familiar wartime sight… This little starter cart is pulled by an RAF Aircraftsman (an ERK).


RAF052 “RAF Dispatch Rider”

        An RAF Police Dispatch Rider on a BSA Motorcycle.


RAF053 “Wing Commander J.E. “Johnnie” Johnson”

James Edgar “Johnnie” Johnson, C.B.E., D.S.O. & Two Bars, DFC & Bar was one of the RAF’s most famous and decorated wartime pilots… His record of 34 “kills”, 7“shared”, 3”probables”, 10”damaged”, make him the highest scoring Western Ace against the Luftwaffe during WW2.

In March 1944 he was put in charge of 144 (RCAF) Wing and flew Spitfires over Normandy before, during and after the invasion.

After the war he had a long and distinguished career in the RAF becoming an Air Vice Marshal. He passed away in 2001.

The K&C figure has him “kitted-out” in RAF Battledress and wearing a “Mae-West” Life Vest and carrying a side arm just in case he has to bale out over enemy territory!





The success of our “Ancient Greece” series ensures plenty of add-ons… Here arejust a few of the…

AG009 “Alexander The Great”

Probably the most famous “fighting Greek” in history… immortalized in books, films and… military miniatures. Here is our K&C version -


AG010 “Charging Forward w/Sword.”


AG011 “Attacking Swordsman”


AG012 “Slashing Swordsman”

More “Fighting Greeks” are in the pipeline as well as their opponents… The Persians! Watch out for them.





Traditional Chinese music to Western ears is definitely an acquired taste however with these three young ladies playing it the task becomes much more pleasant.


HK203 “The Musical Trio”





Last year when we released our first three Albatros bi planes the demand far out stripped the supply and so we decided to produce two more versions of this iconic German WWI aircraft…

Unlike the first three these two new models include a seated pilot figure and are cast from a brand new mold.

FW114 “Albatros DV” (Uffz. Paul Baumer)

This brightly-coloured machine is decorated with the “Edelweiss” mountain flower on both sides of the fuselage. Baumer flew this aircraft with Jagdstaffel 5, in June 1917 and by war’s end in November 1918 had scored 43 victories and been awarded the coveted “Blue Max”. He died in an aircrash in 1927.



FW115Albatros DV” (Ernst Udet)

Ernst Udet, later to become a General in Hitler’s Luftwaffe and a flying contemporary of Hermaun Goering, flew this smart silver-coloured Albatros while flying with Jasta 37 in the Autumn of 1917.

By the end of hostilities his tally would be 62 “kills”. Although promoted to General in World War Two his conflicts with the Nazi hierarchy drove him to commit suicide in 1941.




3.          BEING RETIRED…

As usual ladies and gentlemen there are more than a few interesting iterus that are making away for the newer pieces… Check them out…


AK064 “Leutnant Hans-Arnold Stachlschmidt

AK065 “Leutnant Gunter Steinhausen”

AK066 “Dispatch Rider”

AK067 “AK Rifleman in Greatcoat Marching”

AK068 “AK Rifleman in Greatcoat on Guard Duty”

AK069 “AK Rifleman in Greatcoat Marching”

AK070 “AK Feldwhel Marching”

BBA032 “Artillery Add-on Set”

BBA033 “US Artilleryman”

BBA034 “Kneeling w/Field Telephone”

EA044 “Desert Rolls-Royce”

FOB060 “Winning the Knight’s Cross”

FOB061 “For You Fritz The war is over!”

FW071 “Auf Wiedersen

FW072 “Au Revoir


MK065 “Mounted with Sword”

MK069 “Standing Man at Arms”

MK070 “Dressing For Battle”

NA014 “French Grenadier Marching with Rifle”

NA015 “French Grenadier Advancing with Rifle”

NA034 “Grenadier at Attention”



Once again, we thankyou for your continued support and wish you all the best!

Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country