JULY 2014


Hi Guys,

        First of all apologies that due to another of those HK Public Holidays – JULY 1st. is “Handover Day” when the former British Crown Colony was handed back to our new “Lords & Masters” in Beijing in 1997.  Another slight delay was that Helen (K&C’s Managing Director) and yours truly were in Singapore meeting and greeting K&C collectors from Singapore, Malaysia and even Bali at our very first “Lion City” gathering thanks to Mike Tong and Daniel from “The Soldier’s Story” in Singapore.

        Anyway better late than never…Here goes…



A.     “Per Mare…Per Terram

That’s the motto of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines and it means “By sea…By Land” and it could equally apply to the officers and men of the Royal Navy.

During the 18th and 19th Centuries Royal Navy officers and seamen often joined Marines in forming “landing parties” and “raiding forces” to harass and fight their enemies on land.  Britain’s greatest naval hero Horatio Nelson himself often took part in such expeditions and with these 3 x new additions we show him and two of his officers ashore accompanying a group of Marines…in Napoleon’s Egypt.


NE045      “Rear Admiral Horatio Nelson”

At the time of the Egyptian Campaign Nelson was still just a Rear Admiral.  Here he is dressed in typical day uniform of his rank.  He is not as flamboyantly dressed or decorated as he was at Trafalgar…or as much of a target.  His green eye patch is neatly folded up on his hat exposing his blind right eye.  His empty right sleeve pinned on to his jacket front.


NE046      “R.N. First Lieutenant”

This officer is accompanying the fleet admiral and acts as both his Aide de Camp as well as nearest bodyguard with sword drawn…note the “Hussar-style” riding boots.


NE047      “R.N. Midshipman w/Union Jack”

A young naval officer trainee (probably 15 or 16 years of age) carries the Union flag (or jack) in one hand, navy cutlass in the other.

AVAILABLE:      Early to Mid-July



Over the years K&C has produced a veritable “Rogue’s Gallery” of the Nazi hierarchy and their henchmen.  Maybe it’s time we thought to honour a Nazi (or at least a member of the Nazi Party) who actually showed more than a measure of his humanity and compassion for his fellow human beings – Oskar Schindler!


        FOB089     ““Oskar Schindler & Itzhak Stern””

During WW2 there were Germans who performed many acts of kindness and bravery protecting, helping and sometimes hiding Jews and others from Nazi persecution…maybe not many – but a precious few.

One of the most notable and famous was Oskar Schindler whose story has been well told in Thomas Keneally’s book “Schindler’s List” as well as Steven Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List” movie.

Here we see Oskar together with Itzhak Stern, the Jewish accountant who helped run his firm and helped compile the famous “list” of men, women and children who were saved from almost certain death.


FOB099    “Refugee Mother & Son”

                         A mother tenderly holds onto her young son…Are they British, German, French, Russian or Polish?  Who knows?  They are just the innocents caught up in a war.


AVAILABLE:      Early to Mid-July            


C.      “THE BLITZ!”

Between September 1940 and May 1941 there were major German bombing raids on 16 British cities, including London, Birmingham, Liverpool and Glasgow.  Hundreds of thousands of homes, factories, schools and hospitals were destroyed and damaged the length and breadth of Britain with over 40,000 civilians killed and many more wounded.

Helping protect Britain’s cities and people were many organizations but few were more important or necessary as…The National Fire Service.     

Created by combining the professional, full-time fire brigades and the auxiliary, part-time volunteers this new organization of fire-fighters fought the flames and the Germans at the same time.

K&C’s new “Fields of Battle” release portrays a group of NFS firemen performing a rescue and tackling the aftermath of yet another Luftwaffe “raid”.


FOB103    “Section Leader”

Shouting instructions this fireman oversees his mates.  Note the red band of a “Section Leader” on his helmet.


FOB104    “Fighting The Blaze”

                         A 2-man team complete with their fire hose.


        FOB105     “The Rescue” 

A fireman tenderly lifts a young girl to safety from the ruins of her home.


FOB106    “Fireman w/Hose”

Another fireman carries a rolled-up length of firehose on his shoulder.


                  FOB107   “Bedford 1939 Fire Engine”

The NFS used a variety of many different vehicles and appliances – this 1939 vintage, Bedford Fire Truck was one of them…Please note the fireman’s hose of FOB104 can fit neatly onto a pump nozzle on the left rear side of the engine.


AVAILABLE:     Mid-July



Many “Desert Village” collectors have bombarded us with requests for additional “wall-sections” for their Middle Eastern buildings and street scenes…Here they are…


        SP061      “Desert Village/Compound Set

Five individual lengths of desert-coloured walls and corner pieces that can be used to extend and connect any of our DV structures.  Very flexible…and useful!


 AVAILABLE:    Mid-July 




Four more colourful and dynamic additions to this dramatic series.


TRW054   “Captain Tom Custer”

The Colonel’s younger brother and Aide de Camp at the battle and on campaign.  He too suffered the same fate as his elder brother.  Here, the buckskin-clad Tom, a two-time Medal of Honor winner, looks desperately to his right…pistol in hand, ready for the worst!


TRW055(P) “Running Bull”

A relative of the great Sioux leader “Sitting Bull” carries his “coup stick” as he prepares to “count coup” on his bluecoat enemies.


TRW056(P) “Hawk Man” (casualty)

                         This Hunkpapa Sioux warrior is shot off his horse by…


TRW060   “The Pistoleer

                         A mounted cavalry trooper, his Army Colt levelled to the front, shoots down “Hawk Man”.


AVAILABLE:      Mid-July



As we all know the Wehrmacht made the maximum use of any and all captured vehicles that came their way…and could also prove useful.  Here’s one of the more unusual ones…


WS281     “The Renault U.E. Armoured Carrier”

This lightly armouredtankette” was able to tow small artillery pieces and mortars.  When used by the Germans they were used for a variety of purposes including patrolling, pulling anti-tank guns and even hauling small supply trailers.


AVAILABLE:      Mid-July



As I prepare to head off to Australia on the 6th of July to visit the troops in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne I thought it might be a good idea to “whet” their “Light Horse” appetites…Here’s a wee taste!

AL062       “Trooper w/Rifle Up” *

A Light Horseman of the 3rd wave on a trotting horse with his Lee Enfield resting on his thigh.


AL063       “Trooper w/Rifle to the Right” *

Another trooper on a walking horse with his .303 slung across his shoulders and pointed to the right.


AL064       “Trooper w/Rifle to the Left” *

                         This third mounted trooper carries his rifle across his back pointed left.


*SPECIAL NOTE:      All three of these figures are separate from their individual horse.  This allows collectors to “mix ‘n’ match” and provides the possibility of nine variations of both horse and rider.


AL065       “Corporal w/Guidon

This NCO carries the guidon of “A” squadron of the 4th Light Horse Regiment.


AL066         “Fighting w/Bayonet”

                         A bayonet wielding trooper in full fighting mode.


AL067         “Wounded Johnny Turk”

                         A Turkish infantryman staggers back…Has he been shot or cut down by the trooper?


AL068         “Lying Prone Turkish Machine Gunner”

                         Complete with Maxim ’08 Machine Gun.


AL069         “Lying Prone NCO w/Binos


AL070         “Lying Prone Turkish Rifleman”


AVAILABLE:      Mid to Late July





Not too many this month…but some “real goodies” among them.  Grab ‘em while you can!



Sd.Kfz.222 Armoured Car (Winter camouflage)


The Village House


Josef "SEPP" Dietrich


Hitler's Secretary Traudl Junge


Der Fuhrer Adolf Hitler


Reichsmarschal Hermann Goering



And that is that my friends…I’m off to the Land of OZ this coming Sunday to meet up with dealers, K&C collectors and friends in Brisbane, Sydney and Donnybrook (near Melbourne).  I’m looking forward to meeting with a lot of old friends and making a lot of new ones…All the best to one and all!





                                                                                                Andy C. Neilson

                                                                                Co-founder & Creative Director

                                                                                                King & Country