JUNE 2013



Hi Guys,

        I’m writing this June Dispatches on a grey, wet and miserable Saturday morning 18 May…just a couple of days before I head off to the States and the “Texas 2013 Toy Soldier Show”.

        As we said in last month’s “DISPATCHES” we’re focusing on one month at a time in order for both collectors and dealers to study the releases in more detail rather than perhaps being distracted by what’s coming in two month’s time.

        Again, as you will see, it’s a fair mixture of different ranges and a variety of time periods.

        So without further ado…Let’s get started…




Last month we launched our first batch of “Pathfinder” British Paratroopers to join our ARNHEM’44/Market Garden series.  This month it’s the addition of seven more men of the British 1st. Airborne Division including another Victoria Cross winner…

MG037(P)      “Advancing With Rifle”

        This para cautiously moves forward, his Lee Enfield rifle at the ready, on the lookout for the enemy.


MG038(P)      “Advancing with Sten Gun”

        Another para, perhaps in the same patrol as MG037, edges carefully on, Sten Gun in one hand…signaling behind with the other.


MG039(P)      “Crouching Bren Gunner”

        Holding what was probably the best Light Machine Gun of WW2 in his hands this “red beret” can fit into any Arnhem display or diorama and look great!


       MG040(P)      “Kneeling with Rifle”

                One more airborne soldier with his trusty Lee Enfield…at the ready.




MG042(P)      “Major Robert Cain V.C.”

Robert Cain was a company commander with the 2nd. Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, part of 1st. Airborne’s Air Landing Brigade (they came by glider not parachutes).

During Arnhem his exemplary courage, leadership and skill with the PIAT anti tank rocket launcher (knocking out several German tanks) led to him being awarded Britain’s highest military honour.  He was also wounded three times during the battle but continued to fight and lead his men with great gallantry and endurance throughout.

        Our figure shows him pistol drawn moving to a new position with the PIAT on his shoulder.


MG044(P)      “The Grenadier”

        This Para is taking no chances…Sten Gun in one hand a “Mills” grenade in the other…ready to throw.


MG045(P)      “Fighting Glider Pilot”

        Many of the pilots in the “Glider Pilot Regiment” were former soldiers…Once their glider had landed and disgorged the troops the pilot and co pilot were expected to fight alongside their “human cargo”…This sergeant pilot is no exception…Note his pilot’s wings above the left pocket on his “Denison” smock.




B.                         “A small Part of the Atlantic Wall”

Over the years K&C has released several defense works showing different parts of Hitler’s famed “Atlantic Wall” which he hoped would halt any possible Allied invasion…from Norway in the North to the Pyranees in the South.  Here is the latest

WS193    “Normandy Pillbox”

        This is one of the smaller German bunkers that could be found in Normandy and elsewhere in occupied Europe…Usually manned by 4-6 soldiers this one had 3 x gunports including a large one where a machine gun could be sited.  It also features a blast wall opposite the rear door and a detachable roof allowing collectors to place figures where they like.  As seen in our photos this little pillbox has already experienced some Allied attention…



C.                         “Napoleon In Egypt”

Last month we journeyed back to the “Land of the Nile” with our little selection of Ancient Egyptian water craft…This month it’s a couple of millennium later with Napoleon’s Legion’s descending onto the desert sands of Egypt.


NE022     “Standing Guide”

        A standing-at-attention trooper of the Regiment of Guides…He must be a little hot under the collar of that colourful wool uniform but at least he’s got a white neck cloth to protect him!!!


NE023     “Victim of the Sun”

        Napoleon’s men suffered agonies from the blistering hot Egyptian sun.  Here, one of Bonaparte’s infantrymen has collapsed from sun stroke or heat exhaustion and is being assisted by one of his stronger comrades…A great little double sculpt!


NE024     “Mounted Mameluke

        Whenever Napoleon encountered a brave and skillful enemy he always tried to recruit them into his army…after defeating them of course!

        In Egypt he was mightily impressed by the Mamelukes who fought on the Egyptian side and eventually recruited them for French service.

        This proud dignified Mameluke officer was one of the first.


NE025     “Standing Mameluke with Musket”

        Although usually mounted Mamelukes in French service, often had to perform certain military duties on foot.


NE027     “Donkey Cavalier”

        This French infantryman has commandeered a local donkey and an umbrella to make “Campaigning” in the desert a less arduous experience.





NE033     Demi-Brigade Flagbearer

        Our first “Napoleon in Egyptflagbearer had a major mistake…an imperial eagle on the masthead of the flag before Bonaparte even became emperor!!!  Our new one accurately reflects what the flag could and should have looked like…sorry!




D.           “Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder!”

From desert sands to clear blue skies over Normandy in June 1944…All in one fell swoop!


AF013     “Colonel Glenn Eagleston

        Col.Eagleston had a total of 181/2 victories during WW2 flying the Mustang.  On October 29, 1944 he shot down 3 x Me.109’s in a 30 minute dogfight!

        After WW2 he served again in Korea where he flew the F86 “Sabre” and added 2 x Mig.15’s to his tally.


AF015     “Captain Donald J. Strait”

        Don Strait flew with the 361st Fighter Squadron of the 356 Fighter Group and became their top ace with 131/2 victories… all but 3 of them flying the P51 “Mustang”.

        After WW2 he joined the New Jersey Air National Guard and served in Korea and retired in 1978 as a Major General.  Our new figure shows him picking up his parachute prior to mounting his “Mustang”.


AF031     “P51D-Day Mustang”

        This is K&C’s second P51D and shows a typical D.DayMustang” complete with black and white invasion stripes and in natural metal finish with some added olive drab camouflage on the top-side surfaces.

        Our “Mustang” belongs to the “375th. Fighter Squadron” of the “361st. Fighter Group” based at Bottisham Airfield near Cambridge in Southern England in the summer of 1944.


Please Note:   Just 250 of this “P51D-Day Mustang” have been produced.


AVAILABLE: Mid-Late June

E.                         “Fifty Shades of Field Grey”

Borrowing or should I say adapting an infamous little erotic book title…Here are the latest “Classic Wehrmacht” figures along with a great looking half-track to go with them!


WS217    “Sd.Kfz.251 Half-Track

        This ubiquitous German fighting vehicle could be seen on every German battlefield from the Caucasus in Russia to Cyrenaica in Libya and all points in between.

        Our battle-weary, dust covered “feldgrau” (field grey) version is perfect for early to mid war battles and campaigns in Poland, France or the Soviet Union.

        Vehicle comes with fixed driver and detachable MG34 and antenna.


WS204    Soldat with Cigarette”        

        Classic figure in a classic WW2 pose.


WS205    Soldat Looking Right”

        This guy looks happy and relaxed…does he not know what lies ahead?


WS206   Soldat Drinking”

        Marching on those dusty Russian roads is a thirsty business…


WS207    Soldat Carrying Crate”

        Another of the “Soldaten” has been tasked with moving a crate of ammunition.


WS208    “Soldat Pointing

        “Put it over there!”  This soldier seems to be saying.

        All of these five figures are useful for any early to mid war scenario that does not involve an actual battle.


AVAILABLE: Mid-Late June                


F.                         “Fighting The Long Knives”

It’s always exciting when a new series is launched because here at Head Office in Hong Kong even we don’t know which ones will really take off like an express train…I’m delighted to say that our revitalized and refocused “Real West” series has done exactly that since we moved forward to the “Battle of  the Little Bighorn” and “Custer’s Last Stand”.

        Here are the second group of “Pathfinder” Indian warriors…

TRW038(P)    “Sun Bear”

        This mounted warrior with the buffalo-horn head dress looks ready to lance one of the hated “blue-coats”.


TRW040(P)    “Two Moons”

        Another mounted Sioux warrior firing his carbine at a dismounted cavalry trooper.


TRW041(P)    “Black Arrow”

        A Cheyenne “dog-soldier” with the more traditional bow and arrow.


TRW043(P)    “Brown Bull”

        A kneeling, wolf-skin clad brave aiming his rifle at the enemy.


TRW045(P)    “Running Deer”

        Appropriately this well-armed Sioux warrior is wearing a deerskin complete with deer’s head and antlers to frighten the rapidly retreating “Longknives”.


TRW046(P)    “American Flag”

        A triumphant chief holds his Winchester aloft as he snatches up one of the 7th’s guidons.




2.          BEING RETIRED

Another long list but some excellent bargains and great figures…Grab ‘em while you can, you won’t regret it!



Royal Welch Fusilier Officer w/ Gloves


Royal Welch Fusilier Officer Saluting


Royal Welch Fusilier Presenting Arms


Royal Welch Fusilier Making Ready


Royal Welch Fusilier Standing Firing


Royal Welch Fusilier Kneeling Firing


Fusilier Kneeling Ready


RWF Officer with King's Colour


RWF Officer with Regimental Flag


Major Paddy" Mayne S.A.S"


General Charles De Gaulle




Advancing Officer


Kneeling Firing


Standing Firing


Lewis Gunner


77mm Artillery Set (1914)


Artillery Officer with Binos (1914)


Mounted Mussolini


Italian Forces, Marching Flagbearer


Italian Forces, Marching Rifleman


Italian Forces, At Attention Bugler


Italian Forces, At Ease Soldier


Italian Forces, Officer with Map


Exiting Pilot


Dead Mexican Soldier


Skinner's Horse Indian Subahdar


Skinner's Horse Lancer


Skinner's Horse British Officer


Mounted Wolf's Head w/ Shield & Lance


Warrior Defending


Warrior Attacking


Warrior w/ Knife


Warrior w/ Musket


Pak 97/38 Anti-Tank Gun


Laying the MG42 Gun Set


Hitlerjugend, MP40 Set


Hitlerjugend, Kneeling Grenadier


Hitlerjugend, Ready...Aim...Fire




And that my friends is that for another 30 days.  All of us at K&C thank you for your continued support!


                                                               Andy C. Neilson

                                                       Co-founder & Creative Director

                                                                King & Country


P.S. I’m now sitting in San Antonio’s historic Menger Hotel after last weekend’s Texas Toy Soldier Show doing the final “proof-reading” of this month’s “DISPATCHES”.

        A very big thank you to all those great folks who took part and to those collectors who flew, drove and walked to the show through the worst rains and floods San Antonio has seen in many, many years!