MARCH 2010


BY THE TIME most of you read this, this year’s “WESTCOASTER” will already be over and Helen, Patrick and yours truly will be in Boston meeting two of our favourite US dealers… Matt Murphy of “Hobby Bunker” and George Guerriero of “Minutemen”.

After Boston we’ll head off to Tony Ciccarello’sToy Soldier Gallery” right-next to West Point. Following on from there it’s Louis Badolato’s “Toy Soldier Symposium” and then down to old “San Antone.

So, as you might expect I’m actually writing this particular “DISPATCHES” the day before we all fly off to Los Angeles and the “WESTCOASTER” itself.

I hope to spring a few pleasant surprises on dealers and collectors alike, so, without further ado, let battle commence…



A. “Geronimo finally jumps!”

A wee bit later than we originally intended but here they are…


DD122 “Jumping Screaming Eagles”

Two 101st. Airborne paratroopers in all-new poses descend under their fully-deployed canopies… somewhere in Normandy in the early hours of June 6, 1944.


DD123 “Jumping All Americans”

Another two… completely differentUS 82nd. Airborne troopers float down somewhere near Ste. Mere Eglise… in the wee small hours of June 6, 1944.




B. “Meanwhile Back At the Berghof

Seven very interesting “add-ons” to the Rogue’s Gallery of attendees at Hitler’s little hideaway in the mountains…



Konstantin Hierl, Reicharbeitsfuhrer of the paramilitary German Labour Service giving the NaziHeil Hitler” salute.


LAH105 “Heinrich Himmler Relaxing”

One of the Third Reich’s most feared and hated men… Reichsfuhrer SS Himmler enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee while sitting on one of the Berghof’s sun loungers.



Hitler’s long-time mistress and, briefly, his wife. She met him when only 17 and working as an assistant to his personal photographer, Heinrich Hoffman. By all accounts, friendly, outgoing and totally disinterested in politics.


LAH107Reinhard Heydrich

Another of the most feared and hated characters in the Third Reich. Doomed to meet a well-deserved end at the hands of Czech patriots in 1942.


LAH108Berghof Sun Loungers”

Just a little outdoor furniture for the patio of the Berghof. Accurately based on photographs of the real thing. Two in the set.


LAH109 “Baldur Von Schirach

Head of theHitlerjugend andGauleiter of Vienna.


LAH110 “Dr. Robert Ley

Another important man in the Third Reich and Head of the German Labour Front. He killed himself while awaiting trial in Nuremberg in 1945.





KM017 “Sd.Kfz.9 Famo Recovery Vehicle”

More than 2,500 of these heavy recovery vehicles were produced during the war in many various versions. Although most were used in Artillery or Armoured units a fair number were used by the Kriegsmarine to move heavy items around naval bases and dockyards.

Our Famo is in field gray and is designed to pull and position our “SEEHUND” for launching and recovery.

The Driver is included.





France, August 1914 and the country is once more at war with the hated Boches!”


Finally, K&C has mobilized its L’Armee francaise and les Poilus march off to battle resplendent in their colourful uniforms of long blue coats, red pantaloons and scarlet and blue kepis…

This first release focuses on the soldiers marching to the front as they would have appeared in those first days and weeks of the war to end all wars!


FW060 “General Joffre”

The ample figure of “Papa” Joffre inspired confidence in the public, his men and his fellow officers. Cool, calm and collected, Joffre was a “steady hand at the tiller” of the French Army in those early days. He is best known for regrouping the retreating Allied Armies and defeating the Germans at the First Battle of the Marne in 1914.


FW061 “General Foch”

Foch, was recognized by many, as the “most original mind in the French Army”. Initially serving as a subordinate to Joffre he later became Supreme Commander of all Allied Armies in 1918.


FW062 “Mounted French Officer”

Proud and confident this mounted figure leads his troops forward.


FW063 “Marching Officer”

A bearded Lieutenant, sword in hand advances.


FW064 “Marching Poilus

Three differently posed Poilus march to the front.


FW065 “Marching Soldier”

A single “add-on” that can be collected in multiples to make a grand parade.


FW066 “The Scout”

A handsome little piece based on a Detaille illustration of a classic French Poilu.


FW067Poilu attending to a General’s Horse”

This pensive soldier holds the reins of his General’s mount.


FW068 “Drum Major”

Music plays an important part in virtually every army… including the French. This Drum Major instructs his musicians…


FW069 “Drummer”


FW070 “Bugler”


FW071 “Auf Wiedersen

This is the first of a unique series of poignant little First World War vignettes depicting troops of three of the principal countries departing for the War.

This German Soldat tries to comfort his weeping fiancé as his Regiment departs.


FW072 “Au Revoir

A different country… a different parting… As his wife holds his rifle this Poilu fondly cradles his small baby. Will he ever see them again?


FW073 “Goodbye-ee

A Scottish soldier embraces his sweetheart as he goes off to war.




E. “The Desert Village

Two more great (and useful looking) additions to the four already released pieces… Together they make a fine setting for Ancient EgyptThe CrusadesNapoleon in EgyptWW2 North Africa… and even modern-day Iraq and Afghanistan.


SP035 “The Village House”


SP036 “The Wall”






Russian Cossack cavalry have the unique distinction of having fought both for and against Stalin’s Red Army during World War Two!

On the German side they fought with great valour and ruthlessness especially on Anti-Partisan duties in Russia itself… and in the Balkans.

At the end of the war most of these German Cossack units retreated westwards and wishfully surrendered to the British Forces. They were then summarily handed over to the Russians… expecting and receiving little mercy.


WS142 “Cossack Feldgendarmerie with Prisoner”

A dismounted Cossack field policeman with an unfortunate Partisan suspect.


WS143 “Mounted Cossack Officer”

Wearing the traditional Cossack costume (with German badges) this officer, sabre in hand, is issuing orders.


WS144 “Cossack Scout”

Scanning the horizon for enemy activity.


WS145 “Cossack holding Rifle”

Looking to the right this Cossack, rifle held steady, is on patrol.


WS146 “Cossack holding Rifle”

Looking to the left and with his rifle across the front of his saddle this is another member of the patrol.


WS147 “Standing Cossack and Horse”

This young Cossack cavalryman is awaiting inspection.


WS148 “Cossack Pointing”

Another member of the patrol indicating while making his report.


WS149 “Dismounted Cossack NCO”


WS150 “General Helmut Von Pannwitz

This German cavalry officer was the commander of the Cossack Cavalry Corps. Extremely popular with his men he often wore full Cossack uniform.

After the war he chose to remain with his men when they were handed over to the Russians. He suffered a similar fate to most of his men… he was executed by the Soviets in 1947.


AVAILABILITY:   Mid-Late March



A. “Remember The Alamo!”

With one of K&C’s two flagship stores in San Antonio, just a few yards from the legendary chapel, how could we ever forget it!!!

Here’s our latest offerings… Three brand-new renderings of the three most famous Alamo defenders—Crockett… Travis and Bowie.


RTA048 “Fighting Jim Bowie”


RTA049 “Buckskin Davy Crockett”


RTA050 “Gallant Colonel Travis”


These new pieces replace the earlier versions of our heroes. (Now retired)




Opposing these three brave defenders of the doomed mission are FOUR dramatic mounted figures of Mexican Dragoons of Santa Anna’s army…


RTA051Officer charging w/sword”


RTA052 “Dragoon w/lance forward”


RTA053 “Dragoon w/lance thrusting down”


RTA054 “Dragoon w/lance held up”




B. “Market Garden Airborne Reinforcements”

After a long delay (apologies for that) our eagerly-awaited para reinforcements… for one of K&C’s most collected series… “Operation Market Garden”.


MG028 “The Big Jump”

For the very first time… two of our British Paras (both different) jumping into the hell that was Arnhem. Like their U.S. airborne comrades these Brits descend on fully deployed ‘chutes ready for anything…


MG029 “Radio Jeep”

Jeeps were essential to these airborne soldiers and so were radios… Fortunately the jeeps worked… unfortunately the radios did not! However, it’s all part of the ARNHEM story. Here an officer (with Sten gun ready) and his driver ferry their radio operator around the drop zone trying to get a better signal!


MG030 “Army Photographic Unit Cameraman”

Sgt. Dennis Smith kneels down to film some of the action during the doomed battle.


MG031 “Mortar Team”

One of the iconic images of the battle were the photos of a lone British Mortar Team in action with their 81mm mortar. This is our tribute to them.


MG032 “Captured!”

Sadly all too many of the British 1st. Airborne Division at Arnhem ended up killed, wounded or captured.

Here, a casually smoking SS Panzer Grenadier guards two Paras… one seriously wounded. A poignant little set.


Look out for more Paras later!





The day before the “day of days”… All over Southern England at docksides… on airfields… in hundreds of Army camps the soldiers, sailors and airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force wait for the order… “Let’s Go!”


DD126 “D. Day Minus One”

Three US Army “Rangers” stand on a cold, wet English dockside waiting to board their Landing craft that will ferry them to France


DD127 “Standing Ranger”

His rifle resting at his feet another Ranger contemplates the coming battle.


DD128 “Standing B.A.R. Gunner”

One more Ranger holding his B.A.R. machine gun.


DD129 “Medic”

Holding his folded stretcher this Medic prepares to board.


DD132US Beachmaster Set”

A 2-man US Navy team test out their equipment.


DD133 “Marching Ranger”

Rifle slung over his shoulder this GI heads for the landing craft.


DD134 “Marching Ranger Officer”

This officer is leading his troops into position.


Not only were American getting ready for the big invasion so were their British Allies…


DD135Sherman Firefly”

Another long-awaited and much-requested piece of Armourthe Sherman FireflyA unique blend of American know-how and British ingenuity. The war-winning Sherman mounting the proven 76mm gun… At last an Allied tank that could take on (and destroy) all those Tigers and Panthers!

Our model is in the markings of “B” Squadron of the 2nd. Armoured Battalion of the Irish Guards, part of the famous Guards Armoured Division.

This K&C Firefly comes with two crew figures and a detachable radio Antenna and “back-pack” of extra supplies.


DD136 “Dismounted British Tank Crewmen”

Three superb “portraits” of typical British tankies… goes great alongside the Firefly.





D. “Here comes Johnny Turk!”

British, Australian and New Zealand soldiers fighting in the Middle East during WW1, had a healthy respect for their Turkish Enemies.

First at Gallipoli then in Palestine and elsewhere in the region, “Johnny Turk” was a formidable adversary.

These new Turkish infantry in action are a “companion-release” to our first Australian Light Horse figures released in December 2009.

All of these six figures are in defensive fighting poses. More are in the pipeline… including artillery and historic personalities.


AL008 “Turkish Soldier Standing Firing”


AL009 “Turkish Kneeling Firing”


AL010 “Turkish Kneeling Loading”


AL011 “Turkish Soldier Standing Ready”


AL012 “Turkish Machine Gunner”


AL013 “Standing Ready”





Not too many retirals this month… but what there is … is interesting!


A. “Fields of Battle

FoB037 “French Renault R35 Tank”


B. “Napoleonics

NA077 “The Duke of Wellington


C. “Crusaders & Saracens”

MK047 “Man-at-arms w/Dagger”

MK048 “Attacking Crusader w/Sword (Mounted)”

MK058 “Duel To The Death”

MK059 “Mounted Saracen Archer”


And that’s the story so far… for this month at least.

Hope to meet up with some of you on my travels so, until then… best personal wishes.


Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country