November 2015


Hard to believe but it’s November already...Where did the year go..?  And soon it will be Christmas!!!

        So without further ado...Let’s get down to business...



A.     “On The Streets of Old Berlin”

The Nazis were past masters of propaganda publicity and promotion in their rise to power and throughout their 12 years in power.  They used every means at their disposal...cinema, radio, very early television and, of course, all kinds of printed materials and posters to get their message across...especially on the public streets of Germany.


LAH190            “Vote For Hitler!” #1

A standing “Sturmabteilung” (Stormtrooper) man carries his political “sandwich board” complete with Nazi posters front and back.


LAH191            “Vote for Hitler!” #2

A second Stormtrooper stands with his poster of “Der Fuhrer” looking menacing.


                          LAH196            “Tall Poster Column”

                                 All over German towns and cities these kind of tall, multi poster displays could be seen advertising all kinds of products, goods and services as well as theatres and cinemas.

                                 In this case Herr Hitler is front and centre as well as other National Socialist posters.


AVAILABLE:       Early November!


B.      “BANZAI!”

Four additional releases to add to our Imperial Japanese Forces during WW2 in the Pacific and South East Asia.



JN011               “Imperial Navy Officer-of-the-Watch”

Dressed in tropical whites and clutching his binoculars this officer is on duty watching his men service the Mitsubishi “Zeroes” as they prepare to fly off their carriers.


JN012               “Deck Crew Petty Officer Mechanic”

Holding an aircraft manual in one hand and his tool kit in the other this Petty Officer goes about his duties on the flight deck.


JN013               “Aircraft Armourers

A pair of armourers, kneeling and standing carrying belts of machine gun ammunition for their aircraft positioned on the carrier’s flight deck.


JN015               “Japanese Infantryman”

                                 The first of an upcoming series of regular Japanese Army infantry...marching with his Arisaka rifle on the shoulder.  Based on an actual photograph this soldier is extremely casual in his dress...even by Japanese standards!


AVAILABLE:       Early November!



From the Pacific and South East Asia during the early part of WW2 we move west to Europe in the months following D.Day...


DD273              “The Sarge

        Hollywood, both the movies and television, have always loved WW2 and when it comes to portraying the American GI there has been no shortage of great actors ready to represent them on the big screen and the little one too...Among those portrayals there is usually the rough, tough and occasionally gruff sergeant who is firm but fair with the men under his command...Think of Sgt. Horvath in “Saving Pvt. Ryan” or Sgt. Rick Saunders in “COMBAT” and you get the idea.

                                 Here is our little tribute to the fictional “non-coms” as well as

                                                          all the real ones!

“Tommy Gun” resting on the hip and watching out for his men “The Sarge” is ready for combat!


        DD274             “The M36 ‘Jackson’ Tank Destroyer”

Developed towards the end of WW2 the M36 “Jackson” was the most powerful U.S. tank destroyer of its time mounting a massive 90mm gun.  It replaced the much weaker M10 which only carried a 76mm gun.

Supplies of the M36 finally began to arrive in the European Theatre of Operations in September 1944 where it immediately proved to be more than a match against any of the heavy tanks of the Germans.

It also saw ‘active duty’ in the Korean conflict easily defeating  the Russian-supplied armour used by both the North Koreans and the Chinese.

Even after Korea, M36’s turned up in the former Yugoslavia and saw action in the 1990’s!

Our K&C M36 is painted in typical olive drab finish complete with Allied ‘white star’ and would have certainly took part in The Battle of the Bulge in December ’44 and the drive into Germany in the first 5 months of 1945.

Dismounted tank crew figures will be available in a later release.


DD275            “Capt. Dale Dye...Weapons Training”

        A many of you war movie buffs know Capt. Dale Dye USMC ret’d has carved out a unique place for himself in the film world.  He has worked both behind and in front of the cameras on such outstanding movies and TV series as “Platoon”...”Born on the Fourth of July”...”Band of Brothers”...”The Pacific” and, of course, “Saving Pvt. Ryan” to name but a handful.

        He’s also a good friend of myself and K&C and was one of our very special “Guests of Honour” at the last “Texas Toy Soldier Show”.

        Capt. Dye’s military contribution to making many of these films and series more accurate and realistic is considerable and widely praised.

        Here at K&C we wanted to say “thank you” for Dale’s work in our own small way and here it is...

        We based our figure on several photos taken during the production of “Saving Pvt. Ryan” where Capt. Dye was instructing the main actors and some of the principal extras on the correct use and safe handling of real weapons...Including in this case the M1 carbine.

        Capt. Dye totally immerses himself in all of the productions he gets involved with.  In this case, he is dressed as a “Ranger” captain and is wearing the same uniform as the men of Capt. Miller’s squad in the movie.


DD276            “Colonel Robert F. Sink”

This figure also has a connection with Dale Dye...The actual Col. Sink was the Commanding Officer of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division which of course featured the men of “Easy company” from “Band of Brothers”.

Capt. Dye, in addition to training all of the actors and extras for the Television series also played Col. Sink in the series.

        Our figure shows the ‘real’ Colonel Robert F. Sink in his jump suit delivering orders to his men prior to the D. Day Operation.

A regular prewar U.S. Army officer he had a long and distinguished military career and rose to the rank of Lieutenant General before retiring in 1961.  He died in 1965.


AVAILABLE:    Mid to late November.


D)    “Napoleon’s Gunners”

It’s sometimes forgotten that Napoleon Bonaparte began his military career as a humble officer of Artillery.

And, throughout his life he took a great interest in the development and use of artillery on the battlefield. To that end, here at K&C, we also have a great fondness for guns and gunners...Here are some of our latest French Foot Artillery additions...


        NA329             “Artillery Officer”

Standing with his telescope this officer observes his men about to go into action.


NA331           “Gunners Set #1”

A Gunner First Class with the linstock rod together with another Gunner carrying the “Charge Pouch” and musket.

NA332           “Gunners Set #2”

Two more gunners...One with the ‘lantern pole’...the other with theSpone Rod/Rammer’ and water bucket.


NA336           “The Gribeauval 8-pounder Cannon”

Some of the parts on this gun were interchangeable with those of the 12-pounder.  Almost 1,000 of these guns were employed by Napoleon’s artillery.


NA337           “Gunner w/Rammer”

                               A single Artilleryman.


AVAILABLE:    Early November


E)     “Pike & Musket”

        As we stated when we launched the “Three Musketeers” set a couple of months back...”Pike & Musket” is a series that encompasses the Wars of the early-mid 17th Century and extends from English Civil War to the Thirty Years War and even into the fictional lives of such legendary characters as D’Artagnan, Athos, Aramis and Porthos and all points between!

        Here is just a small taste of the vitality and versatility of this colourful and exciting series.


PnM039          “The Cardinal”                 

Cardinal Richlieu, the “Red Eminence”, and the power behind King Louis XIII. Often known as the King’s “First Minister” he wielded enormous power and influence not just in France but throughout Europe at that time.

He is also a leading character in Alexander Dumas’ “Three Musketeers” and the Musketeers main antagonist.

We show him at the height of his power...sword drawn and wearing a suit of armour always prepared to defend what he believes is in France’s best interest.


PnM042X      “Captain of Horse Nathaniel Fiennes”

                               As brave and energetic Parliamentary cavalry officer who before the war was a Member of Parliament.  Here, he sits atop his mount calmly assessing the situation...Only available through King & Country.


PnM050           “Standing Ironside Trooper”

                                 A dismounted Parliamentary cavalryman...arms folded.


PnM051           “Le Comte de Rochefort

                                 The Comte (or Count) de Rochefort is another villainous character from the Dumas novel and is an accomplice of the Cardinal and an ally to the beautiful but deadly Milady de Winter.

                                 A skilled swordsman and a ruthless adversary he can be recognized by his eye patch and a long scar across his cheek.


AVAILABLE:      Mid to Late November.


F)  “Wehrmacht In Action”

                                         And now, once more, back to WW2 with these four individual releases...


                                WH040             “Officer w/Binos

                                                                 Standing, observing the enemy and about to issue an order.


        WH041            “Kneeling w/Schmeisser

                                        Taking careful aim with his MP40 machine pistol.


        WH042            “Kneeling firing Rifleman”


        WH043            “Standing firing Rifleman”


Note:               All of the above figures can be used on either Eastern or Western Fronts...as the individual collector prefers.    


AVAILABLE:     Mid-November.


G)     “World of Dickens”

Christmas and Dickens seem to go together very well and this year they go even better with a family of carol singers.


                 WOD034         “Carol Singers Set #1”

A mother and father join together to spread a little Christmas Cheer by singing traditional old Christmas Carols.


        WOD035         “Carol Singers Set #2”

To accompany Mum and Dad in the festivities their two children also join in to sing Christmas Carols.


 AVAILABLE:    Mid-November.


H)      “Read All About IT!”

From the “Streets of Olde London” to the not-so-old “Streets of Hong Kong” with this new set...


        HK232             “The Second-Hand Book Store”

A young street vendor enjoys one of his own book collection as he presents a stall-full of “used-books” for his customers to peruse and...hopefully buy!


AVAILABLE:      Mid-November.


I)        “A Very Special Man”

WL001 Lee Kuan Yew (1923-2015) was the first and longest-serving Prime Minister of Singapore after its independence.  He was the visionary leader who can rightly be said to be the “father of modern Singapore” and almost single-handedly turned a sleepy, former British colony into one of Asia’s most successful and dynamic city/states.

Our figure shows him delivering a speech during the early days of independence in the mid 1960’s.  He is simply dressed in white shirt and white trousers emphasizing that he and his party (the People’s Action Party) are both clean...and honest...a relative rarity in Asian politics.


AVAILABLE:      Early November


J)       “Flight Into Egypt”

This latest “Life of Jesus” release returns to an earlier time...just after the Nativity when, under threat of death from King Herod, Mary and Joseph and their small baby fled into Egypt where they remained until Herod’s death.


LOJ041             “Mary, Joseph & The Infant Jesus”

At dead of night Joseph leads Mary and the baby on their donkey towards Egypt and temporary safety.

AVAILABLE:      Mid-Late November.


K)     “Where Are All The Good Little Girls & Boys..?”


XM015              “Santa & His Globe”

For our Annual Yuletide release we have another delightful and merry little set...Here, we see Santa with his magnifying glass in one hand and his little book of “Who’s been good and Who’s been naughty this year” in the other...Studying a globe of the world and planning his Christmas Eve departure route.


AVAILABLE:      Mid-November.


L)      “Double Trouble”     

By popular demand we are re-releasing this great little set of two Japanese Officers once more...


FOB080            “General Yamashita & Staff Officer Sugita”
        “The Tiger of Malaya” and one of his most trusted Staff Officers on their way to demand the surrender of their British opponents in Singapore, February 1942.


AVAILABLE:      Early November.


2.      BEING RETIRED...

Quite a large number this month and...some great pieces...Grab ‘em while you can!




Air Marshal Balbo


The Fuhrer’s 770K


Opel Maultier Flakwagen


Officer w/ Regimental Color


General Antoine Lasalle


Red Army Soldier Running


Red Army Soldier Lying Prone


Winter Tiger #311 (2nd Version)


Mexican Presidial Lancer


Mexican Officer w/Sword


Mexican Flagbearer


Mexican Drummer


Mexican Kneeling Firing


Mexican Standing Firing


Running Mexican


Mexican Infantryman Marching


Mexican Advancing w/Rifle


Mexican Artillery Officer


James Butler Bonham, SC (w/Texas State Flag)


Naval Cannon & Musket Set


Mexican Dragoon Officer Charging w/ Sword


Dragoon w/ Lance Forward


Dragoon w/ Lance Thrusting Down


Dragoon w/ Lance Held Up


James Nowlan


Shot Mexican Dragoon


                  And that, as they say, is that...All the very best to one and all!






Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country