By the time you receive this edition of “DISPATCHES” the “Chicago Show” will be over and done with and Helen (our Managing Director), Gordon (Master Diorama Builder) and myself will be down in San Antonio visiting Laura (Cofounder of K&C) and our great team at KINGS X right next to the Alamo in the historic Menger Hotel (where Teddy Roosevelt recruited his Rough Riders).

After a Chicago Show is, for us, just as important as before and during. We collect our thoughts… analyze dealers’ and collectors comments’ and suggestions… dissect our competition’s “shock ‘n’ awe”… or lack of it… And reevaluate our own performance, future plans, strategies and… tactics.

We also have a lot of fun as well! Visiting Laura’s ranch… horseback riding… shooting guns… and eating lots of great Texas food!!!

                Anyway back to basics… here’s all the latest info…



        A). “BACK TO BERLIN ’38…”

LAH087Der Fuhrer’s New Staff Car”

When K&C redid the big Mercedes 6 wheel Staff car for “Hitler’s Paris Visit” it was always our intention to release an alternative “Parade” version… and here it is… Similar in composition to our first version, the Fuhrer stands saluting while accompanied by his personal SS driver, an SS adjutant, an SS General and two seated bodyguards… all new sculpts and, of course, a brand new, larger, more detailed Mercedes.


AVAILABILITY: Mid to Late October


LAH097 “The Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Regimental Band”

A full 21-piece marching Regimental Band of the premier SS regiment “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler”.

Led by their Drum Major this large set is sure to be the centre-piece of any BERLIN38” collection.

When you buy this complete 21-piece set K&C also adds on the extra-special LAH098 “Schellenbaum Carrier”ABSOLUTELY FREE!

The complete band comes in its own special box.

In addition, for those collectors wanting to build an even bigger musical display or those building up their band piece-by-piece we offer the following musician figures on an individual basis…


LAH097(A) “Side Drummer”


LAH097(B) “Bass Drummer”


LAH097(C) “Cymbalist”


LAH097(D) “Bell-Lyrist”


LAH097(E) “Bassoon Player”


LAH097(F) “Flautist”


LAH097(G) “Saxophonist”




LAH097(I) “Tuba Player”


LAH097(J) “French Horn Player”


LAH097(K) “Trombonist”


LAH097(L) “Trumpeter”


LAH097(M) “Drum Major”


LAH098Schellenbaum Carrier”




B). “From Berlin To The Bulge”

Every winter, for the last few years, we’ve introduced several sets of figures and fighting vehicles that can be used forBattle of the Bulge” or Eastern Front displays and dioramas… This year is no exception


BBG015 “Winter Schwimmwagen

Not quite as ubiquitous as the Kubelwagen, the Schwimmwagen was still a fairly common sight on German battlefronts on the East and Western Fronts.

This new model has the top cover up and has been given a thin coat of whitewash over its original grey exterior. A well-wrapped up driver and a standing Feldgendarme complete the set.


BBG016 “The KONIGSTIGER or KING TIGER”(with Henschel Turret)

This is K&C’s third version of the almost 70 ton monster and the most accurate and detailed yet! Substantially larger than the first two versions the new “big cat” has the alternative Henschel Turret” as opposed to the earlier “Porsche” one.

The superb, faded three-tone camouflaged and battle-worn King comes with 3 crew figures and its own special box. This is sure to be a much sought after piece and a great Christmas present!


BBG017 “King Tiger Tank Riders”

Three kneeling and sitting Panzer Grenadiers in a variety of Winter uniform… perfect for the KT or indeed any other suitable period German fighting vehicle.


BBG018 “Winter Scout”

A lone Panzer Grenadier, MP44 held ready advances to the front.


BBG019 “German Medics Set”

A Medic and a helpful soldaten carry a wounded comrade to the nearest aid station.


BBG020 “Waiting and Smoking”

A single standing Panzer Grenadier who can be used on top of a tank or standing by the side of the road watching events unfold.




C). “Polish PARAS For ARNHEM!”

When we last released all of our new “Market Garden” figures at the end of 2007 we knew we had to produce a tribute to the Polish Parachute Brigade who bravely fought alongside British 1st. Airborne at Arnhem. Here is a little taste of the first batch…


MG023 “Major General Sosabowski

Portrayed by Gene Hackman in “A Bridge Too Far”, Sosabowski had grave doubts about the entire operation right from the very beginning. This superb character study shows the General in his paratrooper Denisonsmock, wearing his distinctive blue/gray Polish beret and carrying his Browning automatic pistol.


MG024 “Bren Gun Team”


MG025 “Polish Para Sniper”

This expert rifleman uses the standard Lee Enfield .303 with a special hunting scope.


MG026 “Firing Back!”

Using a captured German machine pistol this Polish Para is on the attack.


MG027 “Sitting Polish Para

Taking a momentary respite from the fighting this paratrooper is still watchful… and ready, rifle in hand.





Most Asians are fairly spiritual and believe in ghosts, demons and devils… and the Chinese more than most… Our newest “Streets of Old Hong Kongaddition proves this.


HK169 “In The Lap Of The Gods”

Here, two traditional Taoist priests stand before their altar exhorting the Spirit world to look favourably on their requests.

Most are for good luck… better health and improved business opportunities. In this particular instance they are asking for help to cast out evil spirits… hence the sword. Both to protect them and… attack the evil ones!





A). As is K&C’s style after we release our winter German additions in October we turn our attention to… the U.S. Forces. And boy oh boy, do we have some goodies for you!


BBA026 “Wounded M4 Sherman

A hastily snow-camouflaged Sherman stands forlorn… its right track has ran over a land mine and the results are plain for all to see… a badly damaged rear end plus a split track. Two U.S. tankers consider the problem… and ponder a solution.

A great little diorama piece!


The next four sets are unusual and unique… to say the least… They show soldiers during a lull in the fighting or simply relaxing before the next big attack. Again, perfect display figures.


BBA027 “So, What’s new Are we winning?”

Three GI’s sit around their camp while one reads “Stars ‘n’ Stripes”The GI’s own newspaper. Before long the whole platoon will get the latest news…


BBA028Takin’ It Easy”

While one GI rests on his ribs drinking a coke… the NCO stands wondering where he got it from!


BBA029 “GI drinking coffee”

Other guys might relax but some poor schmuck still has to stand guard duty… well at least this is one cold GI who can enjoy some hot coffee at the same time.


XM008-01 “Last Christmas of the War”

As is K&C’s tradition (we started it… others simply copied us) every Yuletide Season we like to bring out a very special Christmas set. This year is no exception…

It’s December 15, 1944 and somewhere in front of the vast, impenetrable Ardennes Forest in Belgium. A couple of GI’s are heating up some Krations when a pair of hungry Belgian kids (and their even hungrier mutt) show up.

These two guys do what any decent GI’s would… they make the kids welcome and prepare to share their hot meal.

Behind them the ruins of a fireplace form a realistic backdrop.

Little do all of them know that within 24 hours the Germans will launch the last, great Nazi offensive of World War Two!

Get your order in now!


AVAILABILITY: Early November


And now another great special and it’s a BIG ONE!!!


DD104(SL) “The M26 Armoured Recovery Vehicle”

This is one monster of a fighting vehicle and the biggest, heaviest one we’ve ever produced.

The M26 entered service in 1943 and was used extensively and virtually exclusively by U.S. Armoured Forces in the latter part of the war. This same armoured tractor vehicle was also utilized (with a massive trailer attached) as a tank transporter.

Our K&C Recovery version is meant to be used on battlefield displays to haul out both German and American war-damaged armour and even heavy artillery and other larger vehicles.

Four full-bodied crewmen service the vehicle and it comes with rolling wheels, a weathered paint finish and the legend “You break’em… We take ‘em!” painted on the side.

Measuring in at 4 1/4” x 11” and weighing a hefty 4.7 lbs this M26 is a “must” for any serious collector of K&C WW2 fighting vehicles and figures.

Just 1250 of this particular “monster” will be available in its own specially designed packaging.




B). From colder Northern Europe to the sunnier climes of North AfricaSicily and Italy our latest Fallschirmjagers will fit in perfectly.

Following the success of our recent FJ in action in Western Europe in 1940 and Crete in 1941 we received many requests from collectors for FJ’s in tropical camo uniform… and now here they are… Thirteen new and adapted figures organized into 11 different releases.


FJ010 “Gunner”


FJ011 “Forward Observer”


FJ012 “Kneeling Firing Rifle”


FJ013 “Standing Firing Rifle”


FJ014 “Standing Officer”


FJ015 “FJ Mortar Team II”


FJ016 “FJ Grenadiers”


FJ017 “FJ Fire Team”


FJ018 “Motorcycle Scout”


AVAILABILITY: Early November



As usual there’s a fairly big-sized bunch of retirees to choose from… I hope some if not all are useful to you and your collectors…


A). Barbarians

BAR003 “Attacking w/Sword & Shield”

BAR004 “Fighting Chief”

BAR006 “Fighting Chief w/two heads”

BAR007 “Slashing Warrior w/Shield”

BAR008 “Running w/Sword & Shield”

BAR010 “Hacking Warrior w/Sword & Shield”


B). Battle of the Bulge

BBA006 “Returning Patrol”


C). American Revolution

BR052 “Brand-New Coat”

BR053 “This Gun Is Mine!”

BR055 “Cavalry Officer”

BR056 “Cavalry w/ Carbine”

BR057 “Cavalry w/ Sword”

BR058 “Indian Scout”

BR060 “16th Light Dragoons (dismounted) Shouting”

BR061 “Marching Rifleman”


D). Fields of Battle

FoB005 “British Naval Officer”

F0B006 “Marching Bren Gunner”

FoB011 “French General”

FoB012 “French Marching Officer”


E). Berlin'38

LAH071 Polizei Standard Bearer”


F). Romans

RO041 “Roman Gate”



And as I normally say… that’s that! I hope everyone had a great Chicago and arrived safely home. In the meantime many thanks again for your support, friendship and… business.

Very best wishes to you and yours, and, of course, great sales!


Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country