October 2018
this month’s ‘DISPATCHES’ written, as per usual, a few days before I fly out to
Chicago for the annual Toy Soldier Show there.
October sees
some of K&C’s less well-known series get some very useful additions and... some extra ‘add-ons’ for a couple of our newer and more
popular ranges.
So, without
further ado let’s get into them...
A. ‘Protecting The
There are
many ceremonial guard units and regiments around the world but one of my own
personal favorites are the officers and men of ‘The Swiss Guard’ the soldiers
who guard the gates of the Vatican City and protect the life of the Pope.
recruited in 1505 from the German speaking cantons of Switzerland these
Guardsmen have been described as ‘the most peaceful military unit in the
The Swiss
Guard has one Captain Commandant... two full Lieutenants and two Second
Lieutenants... one Chaplain and fifteen Sergeants plus, of course, around 130
Guardsmen (including musicians).
After our
first release in 2016 we decided to add-on SIX more figures including, very
CE022 “The
As was said
to us by more than a few collectors of this ceremonial range, “How can you have
the Guard without showing us WHO they are guarding?”
Well, here
is the latest incumbent Pontiff who resides in Vatican City dressed in his
traditional white robes.
CE023 “Swiss
Guard Drummer”
Drummers have their own distinctive version of the traditional
renaissance-style uniform worn by the Guard.
As you can see it comprises both bold blue and yellow stripes with
flashes of black (and no red unlike the regular Guardsmen).
CE024 “Swiss
Guard Officer”
Officers wear breastplates that are finely engraved and more elaborate than
those of the lower ranks. Under the armor
is worn a ‘shirt’ of 16th Century chain mail.
CE025 “Swiss
Guard Standard Bearer”
Each year a
‘Swearing-In’ ceremony is held when new recruits are inducted into the Guard.
The Ceremony
utilizes the personal flag of the present Pope with his coat of arms emblazoned
on it and is held by a junior officer.
CE026 “Swiss
Guard Recruit”
Taking the
‘oath of allegiance’ is one of the newest Swiss recruits seen here raising
three fingers in the traditional salute... This is said to represent the Holy Trinity
and the three Swiss cantons where the Guard originally recruited from.
“Guardsman w/Two-Handed Sword”
the flagbearer are usually a pair of Guardsmen
carrying the fiercesome two-handed sword called the ‘Flamberge Zweihander’. These powerful weapons originally were used
by the ‘Landsknechts’, mercenary soldiers many of whom came from Germany and
Switzerland during the 15th and 16th Centuries.
Mid October
B. “Banzai!”
With all
those K&C U.S. Marines storming ashore on different Pacific islands we
really felt our hard-pressed Japanese forces needed some urgent
“Kneeling Firing Rifleman”
You can
never have too many shooting or firing toy soldiers... and this Japanese
soldier proves that! Here he takes
careful aim with his ‘Arisaka Type 99 rifle’ at the
advancing U.S. Marines.
“Japanese Machine Gun and Crew”
Lying prone
behind their Type 99 magazine-fed Light Machine Gun the ‘Number Two’ on the gun
prepares to replace the empty gun with a full magazine. (2 figure set)
“Advancing Machine Gunner”
forward and firing from the hip another gunner goes on the offensive with his
LMG Type 99.
“Sitting Firing Rifle”
shooter has his (or hers) favorite firing position... This Japanese soldier
adopts the sitting option.
JN055 “Cold
Steel #1”
military doctrine firmly believed in the tactic and success of the bayonet
charge... often at all costs!
JN056 “Cold
Steel #2”
A second
infantryman charges forward to take the fight to the enemy. Still in the age of bombs and bullets the
threat of ‘cold steel’ can put fear into even the bravest heart.
JN057 “Lying
Prone Rifleman”
Still one of
the best firing positions and... the one that makes
the smallest target of the shooter!
Mid October
Moving from
lightly-armed Japanese infantry to a mighty Soviet WW2 Assault Gun in one fell swoop...
RA077 “The
SU-122 Self Propelled Howitzer”
The SU-122 (Samokhodnaya Ustanovka 122mm) was
a Russian-made, self-propelled howitzer or assault gun during WW2.
The number
‘122’ refers to the caliber of the main armament – a 122mm M-30S howitzer. The
vehicle chassis was the same as the famous T34 tank.
Design and
Production began in 1942 and continued until the summer of 1944. By then a total of 1150 vehicles were
Our K&C
model is in typical Soviet markings and color scheme of the mid war period
complete with patriotic slogan “Kill The Fascists” and
comes with a tank commander figure.
Mid-Late October
D. “The Emperor’s New Uniform”
Most of
K&C’s Napoleon Bonaparte figures have him dressed in the blue and white of
the Old Guard however there is an alternative... much favored by the Emperor
“Mounted Napoleon” (Chasseur Colonel’s Uniform)
As we know
the Emperor had several iconic items of clothing... His bicorne
hat, his greatcoat and ... apart from the previously mentioned ‘Old Guard’uniform – his ‘green’ Chasseur Colonel’s uniform.
particularly liked the Chasseur uniform and often wore it in recognition of the
loyal and devoted service of his Chasseur Regiments who frequently provided his
mounted escort while on campaign.
Just two
complete sets of this green uniform survive to this day. One is still worn by the Emperor himself and
lies in honor with him in his tomb in Les Invalides
in Paris.
This latest
mounted version of the Emperor shows Napoleon wearing his trademark grey
greatcoat under which can be seen his ‘Colonel of Chasseurs’ green uniform.
Early October
E. “Remember The Alamo!”
And so we
should... It’s been quite a while since we added some new figures to this
series and we have a whole raft of great figures coming up to refresh this
dramatic series... Here are the first group...
Attacking Mexican soldiers!
“Charging Forward”
Many of the
Mexican forces wore the simple white uniforms as shown here though this
particular soldier has no white cap cover unlike his fellow infantrymen.
Rifle at the
high port and bayonet fixed this ‘soldado’ prepares
to breach the Alamo’s defenses.
After firing his first shot at the defenders this soldier hastily
reloads a second.
“Kneeling Ready”
Preparing to
move forward and waiting for the order.
“Standing Firing”
RTA106 “Kneeling
Early October
Vietnam began to send some of its regular NVA (North Vietnamese Army) units to
fight in the south as early as 1959.
They also encouraged and supplied the VC (Viet Cong) to step up their
opposition to the ARVN (Army of The Republic of Vietnam) and the American
Compared to
their opponents the NVA ‘travelled light’, carrying the bare minimum of
equipment and essential rations.
weapons and uniforms were much more standard than their VC comrades. Most NVA wore simple, light-weight green
khaki uniforms and the NVA sun helmet or cloth jungle hat.
the majority of NVA carried the AK47 (either Soviet or Chinese-made)... the
Czech SKS Rifle and the ubiquitous RPG (rocket propelled grenade launcher).
fast-moving and resilient NVA regulars even won the grudging respect of their
Allied opponents.
VN020 “NVA
Lying Firing AK47”
Adopting the
prone position and firing off several rounds from the 30-round magazine.
“Kneeling Firing RPG”
The RPG-7
was a Russian-made grenade launcher that could be equally effective against armoured vehicles (tanks, APC’s and even low-flying
helicopters) and bunkers.
“Running w/SKS Rifle”
VN025 “NVA
NVA soldier being shot as he is about to throw a grenade.
VN029 “NVA
Although an
NVA regular this particular soldier is carrying the Viet Cong flag... VC and
NVA regularly took part in joint operations against both ARVN and U.S. military
units. This guy also carries an AK47 on
his back.
Mid-Late October
NOTE: Look out for more VC/NVA and
Vietnamese civilians in the upcoming months.
WH083 Sturmgeschutz III
WS219 Panzer IV H
WS320 “Hitler’s Bunker” (2nd version)
NA349 The Duellists Set#1
And that’s
the story so far... Best wishes and happy collecting to one and all... AND...
See you next
Andy C.
& Creative Director
King &
Country Ltd.