SEPTEMBER MEANS CHICAGO! Both Gordon and myself leave for the “Windy City” on Friday, 14th September.

        Actually we head to San Francisco first to do a “meet ‘n’ greet” weekend at “Sierra Toy Soldiers” in Los Gatos before flying on to Chicago the following Monday, 17th September.

        Then it’s a whole week at the Show itself meeting and talking with K&C dealers and collectors from all over the world. As always it’s a lot of hard work but…it’s a whole lot of fun too!

        So, without further ado, let’s get down to business…





A.     “SONS of the EMPIRE”

Three more colourful additions to a very colourful series featuring one of the Raj’s most famous cavalry regiments… “SKINNER’ S HORSE


SOE024 “Skinner’s Horse Flagbearer

Carrying the “Union Jack” this trooper looks every inch the proud cavalryman.


SOE025 “Skinner’s Horse Bugler”


SOE026 “Skinner’s Horse Scout”

Although most Skinner’s Horse troopers carried the famous long bamboo lance they also carried Martini- Henry carbines… just like this fellow.






Continuing this new series with a few useful additions…


IC047 “Chinese Banner Type #1”

IC048 “Chinese Banner Type #2”

IC049 “Chinese Spearman”

IC050 “Chinese officer w/ Sword”






One of the most popular “Streets of Old Hong Kong” Sets… Here is the latest edition…      


HK208 “The NEW Mahjong Set”






After retiring our old SS Headquarters Building a while back we had many collectors request a replacement… and here it is…


LAH169 “SS-Hauptampt” SS Central Command H.Q.

This 2-storey façade has been specially – designed to go with our earlier façade releases but boasts a far larger upper balcony (to accommodate more of the Berlin ’38 personalities).

        Additional side pieces (to extend a display) will be released later.


LAH156 “Brown-Shirt Hitler 1933”

        Throughout the period of the late 1920’s and into the first half of the 1930’s Hitler most often appeared in public in this simple version of the SA brown-shirt uniform. The pose is also typical


AVAILABLE: Mid September



For many years K&C has produced many different kinds of different WW2 German soldiers wearing a variety of camouflage uniforms that the Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS pioneered.

Now we feel it’s time to “get back to basics” i.e. return to the classic image of the German soldier from the first half of the Second World War… the simple, unadorned steel helmet, the grey/ green jacket, the field-grey trousers tucked into the long jackboots. All covered in the fine dust of France and the Low Countries and the endless steppes of Russia…

But first, one of our favourite German generals… Erwin Rommel.


WS196 “Rommel in France 1940”

K&C has produced several Rommel figures, mostly in his Afrika Korps uniform but never one as he appeared in France in 1940 during his command of the 7th. Panzer Division.

        Here he pauses at the side of a country road perhaps enjoying a sandwich         and a cup of coffee.


WS200 “Walking Officer”

With his Schmeisser Machine Pistol slung over his back this confident officer could be somewhere in France in 1940… or anywhere in western Russia in 1941.


WS201 “Marching MG42 Gunner”

Many photos of the early – war period show German infantry on the march looking tired but still successful…


WS202 “The Ammo Carrier”

All Machine Guns used up prodigious amounts of belted ammo and so other soldiers in the gunner’s section were detailed to “hump” additional boxes of ammunition.


WS203 “NCO w/ Binos

It was not just officers that were issued with expensive field binoculars. Even junior NCO’s managed to beg, borrow or steal a good pair of binos for their personal use.


WS209 “Sd. Kfz. 222 Armoured Car”

        Another great German classic! The 222 has long been a favourite of K&C and now we’re going to release a small varied selection for different “theatres of war”.

        Here’s our first…

        Dust-covered and in field-grey this early/ mid war version has the vehicle commander carefully protected inside the gun cupola.

        Two other versions are being released later.



AVAILABLE: Mid September



A.     …”Winter is Approaching!”

On September 6, 1941, Hitler boasted, “Today begins the last great battle of this year!” But the Fuhrer had reckoned without the treacherous Russian weather… the mud of Autumn and the approach of “General Winter ” were to become his mortal enemies.

        For two more months the German armies continued to advance and win battles despite the almost continuous rain and sleet that flooded rivers, turned fields into quagmires and once dusty roods into knee-deep mud.

        Tracks and wheels churned the ground into axle-deep “glue” that sucked the boots off marching troops and stuck and stalled thousands of trucks and tanks.

        Then, on the night of 6/7 November 1941, the first frosts arrived… followed a few days later by early flurries of snow… “General Winter” had struck!


        Following the highly successful release, earlier this year, of our first Russian troops and T34 tanks, K&C has been hard at work on a “second-release” for this coming winter… And here it is…


RA026 “Soviet T34/76 “Crush The Fascists.”

This first “winterT34/76 bears the slognCrush The Fascists” painted in red on both sides of the turretand comes with a suitably-clad Russian tank commander in the open turret hatch. (Just 150 made)


RA039 “Soviet T34/76 “Moscow!”

        A second “winterized T34/76 is also available for those collectors who might like another second model for their displays or dioramas. This one carries the number “4” and “Moscow!” on both sides of the turret and has NO commander. (Just 150 made)

        Therefore, it’s a little bit cheaper!




RA030 “Lend-Lease Russian Jeep”

As soon as Hitler attacked the Soviet Union both Britain (and later America)provided, Free-of-Charge, huge quantities of weapons, trucks and tanks to the Russians.

        Among the most valued were the Willys and Ford-built Jeeps which arrived by the hundreds and were immediately put into action. Here is one such example complete with Red Army driver.


RA031 “Red Army Officer w/Burp Gun”

        Scanning the enemy position through his binos this officer also clutches his iconic PPSh41 machine gun.


RA032 “Kneeling Ready”

        This kneeling figure, clad in his long, Russian-style greatcoat holds the Mosin-Nagant Model 1891/30 rifle.


RA033 “Standing Ready”

When we released our first batch of Russian infantry there were a few complaints that everyone had a PPSh “Burp Gun” and there were no riflemen! Well here is another rifleman advancing cautiously forward.


RA034 “Kneeling Firing Rifle”


RA035 “Standing Firing Rifle”


RA036 “Lying Prone Machine Gunner”

Taking aim from the lying-prone position is this infantryman with his Degtyarev 7.62 machine gun. Another very useful (and important) member of the assault team.


RA037 “The Scout”

Armed with both a PPSh-41 and a hand-grenade this Soviet is ready for anything!


AVAILABLE: Late September/ Early October



German soldiers fought through six “winters of war” between 1939 and 1945 on both the Eastern and Western fronts. Here at K&C we though it might be a good idea to portray a selection of “Classic Germans” dressed for battling it out in the worst winter weathers… We made the figures… You choose in which campaign or battle you think most suitable for your display or collection.


BBG054 “Sd. Kfz. 222 Armoured Car (Winter camouflage)”

Another great version of a great-looking vehicle. Set includes a commander seen just inside the 222’s turret.


BBG055 “Winter Guards”

A pair of greatcoat-clad “soldaten” perfect for guarding a strong-point, a bridge crossing or anything you like. One carries the obsolete (but still used) Bergmann submachine gun .


BBG056 “Advancing w/Rifle #1”

Looking straight ahead, left leg forward, and ready for battle…


BBG057 “Advancing w/Rifle #2”

Looking to the left, right leg forward, going into action…


BBG058 “Shouting Officer”

This officer is urging his men to speed up and stay together… despite the terrible weather conditions.


BBG059 “Winter MG34 Gunner”

Carrying his MG34 machine gun over his shoulder plus an extra box of ammunition.


BBG060 “I hate this weather!”

Rifle slung over the shoulder and other hand thrust deep into his greatcoat pocket this soldier seems to say “I wish I was anywhere but here!”


BBG061 “Advancing, well-wrapped up!”

This soldier is doing his best to stay warm and alert… all at the same time.



BBG062 “Sergeant w/MP40”

Machine Pistol at the ready this NCO knows some enemy might be in the vicinity.


AVAILABLE: Mid October



As all of you guys know K&C “loves” the Panzerkampfwagen VI better known of course as the “Tiger”… Over the years we’ve done quite a few…but still not every kind of variant!

        One particular variant, and much requested, is the early field-grey “Tiger”… and here, at long last, it is…


WS216 “Tiger 1 (Early Production)”

This particular Tiger, the first of two “Early Production” models is #”213” belonging to the famous Abteilung 503, the 503 rd. Heavy Panzer Battalion. This grey, battle-weary veteran has already seen some “hard-action” on the Russian Front. Both track guards have been lost and its missing a front left wheel cover!

        Another unique feature is the rear baggage bin behind the turret… “cannibalized” from a Panzer III. This allows us to place this tank operational in Russia between August and November 1942. A shirt-sleeved commander completes the model.


AVAILABLE: Mid October



Never were Monty Python’s words written with more meaning…

        Much as K&C has built its reputation on World War Two and its many campaigns and battles its nice, now and then, to design and produce something that’s not khaki, field grey or olive drab!

        And so, we decided to return to our roots so to speak and do something traditional and colourfulbut in the K&C way.



That’s the motto of the Queen’s 2nd. Regiment of Foot GuardsThe Coldstream Guards. Here to begin our new “Ceremonial Series” are a selection of “Coldstreamers” on parade.


CE001 “Shoulder Arms”


CE002 “Saluting Guards Officer”


CE003 “Marching Guards Officer”


CE004 “Marching Guardsman w/Rifle”


CE005Marching Officer w/King’s Colour


CE006Drum Sergeant


CE007 “Guards Drummer”


CE008 “Guards Fifer”


CE009 “Stand-At-Ease”


SPECIAL UNIFORM NOTE: All of the previous 9x Coldstream Guards figures are in the Parade and Style Dress of the mid 1930’s. At that time Guardsmen wore the by then obsolete Slade-Wallace white fighting order and carried the Lee Enfield .303 rifle with sword bayonet.

        Officers and Musicians uniforms today are virtually identical to the 1930’s period.



        Like millions of television viewers the world over I was transfixed by the Royal Wedding of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton back in 2011.

        I thought then (and now) it would be nice to produce a figure of both of them on their big day.


CE011 “William & Kate”

        Kate in her traditional-style wedding dress and Prince William in his uniform as Honorary Colonel of the Irish Guards make a handsome couple… I hope you agree.


AVAILABLE: Mid October



As always around this time K&C produces its “SPECIAL YULETIDE SET.” This year we’ve returned to that famous “Christmas Truce” of 1914 where British and German troops left their trenches and met each other in “No Man’s Land” and fraternized for the one and only time during that terrible conflict.


XM012-01 “Christmas 1914”

        A British “Tommy” has brought out a Xmas Pudding and a jar of Rum to share with some of the “Opposing Team”. One of his German opponents has in turn brought a wicker hamper full of wine, beer, Schnapps and good old German sausage.

        One of his comrades takes a photo of the memorable occasion.


AVAILABLE: Mid October



And quite a bunch this time around… grab’em while stocks last!


AL005 “Australian Lighthorse Charging w/ Bayonet (to the rear)”

CW026 “Union Officer w/ Binos

CW027 “Union Chasseur Standing w/ Rifle”

CW028 “Union Kneeling Firing Rifleman”

CW029 “Union Standing Firing Rifleman”

CW030 “Union Kneeling Ready”

CW031 “Union Standing Ready”

CW032 “Union Kneeling Loading”

CW033 “Union Standing Loading”

CW034 “Union Standing Ramrod”

CW035 “Union Advancing”

CW036 “Union Sergeant w/ Flag”

CW037 “Union Bugler”

CW038 “Union Mounted Officer”

CW039 “Thirsty Work”

CW054 “The Photographer, Mathew Brady”

CW055 “General Lee's Belongings”

CW058 “Maj. Gen. John Buford Jr.”

CW059 “Union Guidon Bearer”

CW060 “Union Bugler”

CW061 “Officer Firing Pistol”

CW062 “Trooper Aiming Carbine”

CW063 “Prisoner and Escort”

CW064 “Trooper Kneeling Loading Carbine”

CW065 “Trooper Kneeling Cocking Carbine”

CW066 “Trooper Kneeling Firing Carbine”

CW067 “Trooper Standing Firing Carbine”

CW068 “Trooper Firing Pistol”

IF002 “Consul General of the Chaplains Dept.”

IF003 “Italian Forces, Marching Officer”

KM012 “Admiral Karl Donitz

LAH105 “Heinrich Himmler Relaxing”

LAH108 “Sun Loungers”

MK036 “Charging Saracen w/Sword & Shield”

MK038 “Defending Saracen w/Sword & Axe”

MK051 “Fight to the Death”

MK068 “Fighting Priest w/ Axe”

RTA036 “Mexican Soldier Running w/ Ladder”


And that my friends is that… far another month. Until some of us meet up in the ‘States in a few weeks time…

Best wishes to one and all!


Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country