September 2015



As regular readers of ‘DISPATCHES” well know this particular month is when K&C focuses on their annual visit to the “Windy City” and The Chicago Toy Soldier Show.

        Well this year is no exception...Myself and the rest of the K&C Team will be arriving in Chicago on Tuesday, 22 September and setting up in the K&C room (4301) at the Hyatt Regency Woodfield in Schaumburg and showing off some of our recent releases and quite a few of our upcoming ones.  We are usually the first company to “open-up” our room for viewing to collectors and dealers alike who  begin to arrive from Wednesday, 23 September onwards right up to Sunday 27th  when the show moves from the room floors down to the hotel’s ballroom, adjoining annexes and the hallways connecting them.  There, in “Manufacturer’s Row”, you will find King & Country and some other leading toy soldier companies. But that’s not myself or K&C’s only public appearance in the States this September...



Saturday, 19 September 2015


        For several years now, on the weekend before Chicago, I get to visit Los Gatos, California, the home of SIERRA TOY SOLDIERS, one of America’s, and I believe the world’s, very best Toy Soldier Stores!

        On Saturday 19 September K&C will be in the Sierra Store all day meeting and talking with K&C collectors, other toy soldier enthusiasts and folks that just come in off the street about all things “toy soldiers” and K&C related.

        After the store closes for the day we’ll be having another “Meet ‘n’ Greet” beginning at 6:00pm with more collectors and talking about upcoming K&C plans as well as fielding all kinds of questions, suggestions and ideas from the collectors.

        Mike & Myzska Hall of SIERRA are our gracious and welcoming hosts and always lay on complimentary sandwiches, snacks and drinks for all concerned and it’s always a great finale to a great day.



        In addition this year we will be previewing the “Master-Paint Figure” of a special figure set exclusively designed and produced by K&C for SIERRA...






        During WW2 a Syrian Brown Bear Cub was found in the Middle East by Free Polish soldiers serving with the British Army.  He was made a “Corporal” and followed the troops all the way to Italy where, at the Battle of Monte Cassino he even helped transport ammunition!!!

        After the war “Wojtek” moved to Scotland with the Free Polish Army units who did not want to return to a by-now Communist-led country and was officially “demobilized” in 1947.  He spent his final years at Edinburgh Zoo where he was often visited by his former army comrades by now also civilians living and working in Britain.

The SIERRA/K&C Exclusive

Shows “Vojtek” and his Polish Army handler as they might have appeared in Italy in 1943 during the Battle of Monte Cassino.

If you live and work anywhere near Los Gatos come along to SIERRA on Saturday 19 September and meet yours truly...and “VOJTEK” in person!

So, after all of that...Here’s all of this...Read on!!!



A.     “Garrison Past Times”

As everyone knows the life of a soldier is not all battles and bloodshed...Most soldiers spend most of their time before or after a conflict relaxing and enjoying each other’s companionship.  Here are some examples...


NA306              “Rest & Recuperation”

As one 7th Hussar relates how he was wounded his fellow Hussar quietly enjoys his pipe.


NA313              “Rest & Refreshment”

Seated at a table with a plate of cheese before them this pair of 7th Hussars slake their thirst with some local wine.


NA315              “Mounted Hussar”

                                 Turning in the saddle this 7th Hussar is about to go on picket duty.


NA348              “The Maid”

                                 This comely wench is checking to see whether the two gentlemen from NA315 need their wine “topped-up”.

AVAILABLE:      Early September


B.      “From War...To Peace”

We move from the “Age of Napoleon” to the “World of Dickens”...in one fell swoop!

A small additional selection of figures to fill out your Dickens Street scene...


WOD026          “The Old Organ Grinder & His Monkey”.

A familiar sight on any Victorian Street was the itinerant “Organ Grinder” usually accompanied by an animal of one kind or another...In this case a small monkey.

Our “Organ Grinder” is obviously an “Old Soldier” probably from the “Wars of Napoleon” and still wears the remains of his old uniform and even a campaign medal or two.


WOD027          “Isambard Kingdom Brunel”

                                 One of the great civil and mechanical engineering geniuses of the Victorian age...He designed Steam Ships...Suspension Bridges...Railways...Tunnels and much more.

                                 His designs transformed Britain and revolutionized public transport and modern engineering.  Here he stands proud and confident...A great Victorian.


WOD028          Mother & Child”

                                 A loving mother and her babe-in-arms.


WOD029          “Mr. Phineas Wagstaff

A gentleman of some wealth and position enjoying his morning stroll.


WOD032          “Please sir, can I have more..?”

A plaintiff (and hungry) young Oliver Twist holds his bowl before him and requests a little extra sustenance. One of Dickens’ most famous characters.


AVAILABLE:      Early September


C.      “Man’s Best Friend”

Travel forward almost 90 years to the grim days of WW2...

                        FOB101           “One Old Man & His Dog”

                                                        It wasn’t only people that lose their homes in wartime...

        Here, this old civilian has only the clothes he stands up in and...his little dog which he is carrying in a cardboard box...At least the dog has some shelter.  Another poignant little addition to our series of civilian refugees of war.


                                 AVAILABLE:     Early September


D.     “Red Army Resurgent”

Following the success of our flag-raising over Berlin we thought we would add a few more Soviet soldiers to the collection...


RA071              “The Souvenir Collector”

All armies, given the opportunity, will loot when and where possible.  Here, a Russian officer holds his machine pistol in one hand and carries off a bust of the Führer as a small momento of the battle.


RA072              “Kneeling Reloading”

                                 A kneeling Red Army private reaches into his pouch for a fresh magazine for his Ppsh 41 machine gun.


RA073              “Attack!”

                                 As one Russian soldier urges his Comrades forward into the assault his comrade provides covering fire.


RA074              “Female Fighter”

                                 One of the Red Army’s women fighters replenishes her magazine.


AVAILABLE:      Mid-September


E.      “The Imperial Collection”

IC071               “The Mighty Zhang Fei

Another great Chinese War Leader from the “Three KingdomsBig...Mean...and Magnificent!


AVAILABLE:      Mid- September


F.       “Streets of Old Hong Kong”

HK241             “New Village Gateway”

One of the most popular “tinplate” items K&C has ever produced was this traditional wall and Chinese Gateway...Some  years ago we made some and they kept selling out...So here’s a few more.  Looks great with any of our Chinese figures and settings.


AVAILABLE:      Mid-Late September


G.     “Operation Market Garden”

17 September 1944, somewhere on the outskirts of a little Dutch town called...ARNHEM.


                 MG059(P)       “Lt. “Jimmy” Cleminson

Lt. Cleminson was in charge of No.5 Platoon of “B” Company, 3 Para during the Arnhem operation.  As he led his platoon forward a German Citroen Staff Car suddenly appeared at a road junction.

He and his men opened fire riddling the vehicle and killing all its occupants including a German General...Only later did he discover that the senior officer was none other than the German commander of the Arnhem area...General Friedrich Kussin! * See later notes...


MG061(P)      “Sergeant Jim Sharrock” Glider Pilot Regiment

Sergeant Sharrock flew to Arnhem piloting a Hamilcar glider carrying a 17 pounder gun of the 1st Air landing Auti Tank Battery...He was killed in action on 22 September and, alas, has no known grave.

Our figure depicts him just after he landed still wearing his flying helmet and carrying a map and his Browning automatic.


MG062(P)      “The Ambushers”

                               Two of General Kussin’s opponents from No.5 Platoon have a “smoke-break” after their successful ambush.






MG065X        “The Welbike Set”

                       A K&C Xclusive

                               Several thousand of these miniature air-portable motorcycles were manufactured during the war and some were parachuted into Arnhem.  Here our Para has halted his bike and unslung his Sten Gun...ready for action.


Please Note: This particular set is ONLY available DIRECT FROM K&C.


AVAILABLE:    Mid-September


Although not available until October here is a “Sneak Peak” at “General Kussin’s Ambushed Citroen”


WH044                    The set includes the bullet riddled Citroen Staff Car with the dead body of the German General lying half-in...half-out of the vehicle.  Sitting slumped in the driver’s seat is his unfortunate driver.


WH045            “Dead German General’s ADC”

                                To accompany the above set is a separate dead German Staff Officer who managed to escape from the ambushed vehicle...but did not get very far before being cut down.


AVAILABLE:     October


H.     “The Battle of Britain”

Four years before “Operation Market Garden” Britain was fighting for its life...Fortunately it was saved by 2 great aircraft...The Spitfire and The Hurricane...And a handful of very brave men.


RAF071             “The Aston Martin “Ulster”

By their very own description fighter pilots love all kinds of speed...And many of them even had their own sports cars.

A favorite of some of the wealthier ones was the Aston Martin “Ulster” which had taken part in the famous Le Mans races in the years before the war.

This particular “fire engine red” racer has its proud pilot/owner behind the wheel.

RAF072            “Air Vice Marshal Sir Keith Park”

This tall New Zealander was a WW1 Flying Ace who remained in the Royal Air Force after 1918.

At the time of the Battle of Britain, in the summer of 1940, he was in command of No.11 Group RAF tasked with the fighter defence of London and South East England.

A firm supporter of Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding, he won a reputation as a shrewd tactician and a popular “hands-on” leader who often flew his own personal Hurricane around his widely dispersed airfields to talk with and listen to his squadron commanders and pilots.

Our figure shows him in flying gear about to take off on one of his regular tours of his fighter airfields.


RAF073          “Squadron Leader Bob Stanford-Tuck”

Stanford-Tuck joined the RAF in 1935.  He first saw combat during the Fall of France over Dunkirk and went on to become an “ace” several times over during the Battle of Britain.

He was shot down over France in January 1942 when his tally of “kills” numbered 27 and 2 shared.

He survived imprisonment in the infamous Colditz and the war and enjoyed a successful career postwar during which he even became a friend of his old opponent, Adolf Galland.


RAF074          “The Aston Martin “Ulster”

                               A second version of RAF071...This one in “Sky Blue”.


AVAILABLE:    Mid-Late September


I.               “Retreat to Dunkirk”

While Stanford-Tuck was flying over the beaches of Dunkirk other blokes were trying their damndest to reach those beaches...with the Germans close on their heels!



FOB118          “Morris CS9 Armoured Car”

A “classic” early war British armoured car utilizing the chassis of the Morris Commercial C9 truck.  On this chassis was mounted a riveted hull and an open-topped turret.  Armament consisted on a “Boys” anti-tank rifle and a Bren Gun.

Our model is in the markings of the 12th Royal Lancers during the Battle of France in 1940 and comes with a vehicle commander figure.


FOB119          “Walking Wounded”

                               A British “Tommy” helps his wounded mate along the road towards the beaches of Dunkirk...and hopefully home to dear old Blighty”.


FOB123          “Rear guard Trio”

                               While some blokes get the opportunity to retreat others have to stay back and hold up the advancing Germans.

                               These three Tommies prepare for battle.


FOB124          “Truck Passengers”

                               Two other “Toms” take the weight off their feet and have a moment’s rest.  They’re been on the road for days now and deserve a break!

                               Both figures and the separate boxes they sit on fit perfectly into K&C’s own Morris CS8 truck (FOB091) or, as you see here, can sit next to a road or a building.


FOB125          “Knackered!”

                               The urban definition of that particularly English word “Knackered” means “completely worn-out” or “physically exhausted”.

                               It is in most common usage in Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and New Founland.

                               Our British “Tommy” here is sitting down by the roadway or perhaps in the back of the truck...but the description is still appropriate.


AVAILABLE:    Late September/Early October


J.        “Pike & Musket”

From 20th Century Warfare all the way back to mid-17th Century warfare .


PnM009B         The Musketeer Set”.

A set of 3 x “Royalist” Musketeers in different attitudes preparing to fire their weapons.

PnM019B         “Standing Musketeer”

An additional “Royalist” musketeer with “stand” in one hand...musket over the shoulder.


AVAILABLE:      Late September/Early October




Quite a batch of retirements...some from “Beersheba”...some “Battle of the Bulge”...”First World War”...Just one “Napoleonic” and one little Panzer!



General Kemal Ataturk


Sir Harry Chauvel


Camel Field Ambulance


Winter March


Machine Gunner


Suspicious Trooper


Standing Tank Rider


Crouching Tank Rider w/Rifle


Mother & Daughter


Newspaper Seller #1


Kaiser Wilhelm II


Generaloberst Helmuth von Moltke


Mounted Infantry Officer w/Binos


Standing Firing


Kneeling Firing


Rifle at the Trail


Lying Firing


Kneeling Ready




Advancing w/ Rifle


Charging w/ Rifle


Present Arms w/ Bayonet


Machine Gunner


92nd Bagpiper marching


The Panzer 35(T)


            And that, my friends is that, until one more month.

I’m looking forward to seeing more than a few of you either at Los Gatos or in Chicago.

In the meantime...best personal wishes...happy collecting!



Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country