September 2020


Dear Partners,


SEPTEMBER, for many years now, has always meant the annual CHICAGO TOY SOLDIER SHOW. Well, as we all know by now, thanks (but no thanks) to Covid 19 that will not be happening this year however that does not mean K&C and yours truly plus the rest of our team can lie back and take it easy!

We still have a bumper bunch of new releases to share with collectors and dealers all over the world this month. So, here goes with what’s coming this September...


1.                  Being Released in the Next 30 Days!

A.                 “Fallschirmjagers in Normandy”

Here is the first batch of our fighting German ‘Fallschirmjagers’ (paratroopers) making their way through the Normandy ‘bocage’ and moving towards the landing grounds of their U.S. Airborne opponents in the hours and days following the Allied invasion of June 6, 1944.

Few of the fighting men of WW2 captured the imagination and respect of even their enemies as much as the Luftwaffe’s ‘Fallschirmjagers’.

Boldness and courage were the hallmarks of their airborne training and battlefield performance.

These German paratroopers were involved in some of the most daring actions of the entire war. From the assault on the key Belgian fortress at Eban Emael in 1940 and the invasion of Crete in 1941, to the daring rescue of Mussolini in 1943.

In addition, they saw plenty of other active service as elite line infantry in North Africa, Sicily and Italy itself.

They also fought on the Eastern Front before key elements were dispatched to France in preparation for the expected Allied landings of 1944.

These latest FJ’s are uniformed as they would have appeared in France and North West Europe at the time of the invasion and afterwards.

This first ‘advance guard’ of six figures are available as individual pieces or as a combined ‘Value Added ’ set. The second batch of fighting “Normandy Fallschirmjagers” will be available in a range of great ‘action’ poses in November.


LW085 “FJ with FG42 Assault Rifle”

Just 7,000 of this remarkable weapon were produced due to its complexity and cost... and most went to the Fallschirmjagers! The weapon could fire ‘single-shot’ or full automatic. It could even be fitted with a special spike bayonet and folding bipod legs.


LW086 “FJ Officer w/MP40”

Wearing his traditional Luftwaffe style cap this officer favours the tried and tested MP40 ‘Schmeisser’ machine pistol. This simple, highly-effective ‘blow-back’ design was issued in larger quantities to the Fallschirmjagers than to any other German troops except for Panzer crews, Panzer Grenadiers and, of course, Waffen SS troops.


LW087 “FJ NCO with Whistle”

Armed with another MP40 this sergeant is using a simple whistle to issue commands and instructions to his men.


LW088 “FJ w/MP40 & Grenade”

This guy is taking no chances and is ‘ready-for-action’ with his machine pistol in one hand and the infamous German ‘potato-masher’ grenade in the other. On his waist belt he has one more grenade and a Walther P.38 automatic pistol.


LW089 “FJ w/MG42 Machine Gun”

This paratrooper is carrying the superb MG42 machine gun, probably the best and most lethal, belt-fed machine gun of WW2. With a high rate of fire of 25 rounds per second the gunner needed to impose strict fire discipline. Here, he also carries a box full of extra ammunition. Normally, he would also have one, possibly two other comrades carrying even more boxes of 7.92 belted ammunition to ‘feed’ the gun.


LW090 “FJ Field Radio Operator

This Fallschirmjager is carrying and using the man-portable field radio always essential while troops are on the move.

His personal weapon is the ‘Karibiner 98K Rifle’.


LW-S02 “The Moving Up-To-The-Front Set”

We combine all of these SIX great figures at a special ‘Value-Added’ price.


AVAILABLE: Early September


B.                  “Israeli Defence Force Call-Up”

Because of its precarious geographical and political position in a generally hostile neighbourhood Israel and its Defence Forces always have to be ready for conflict at a moment’s notice.

This is reflected in the size and composition of the Israeli Defence Forces. Although a relatively small country Israel has a total of 176,500 men and women on active service. The army contains most of them, about 133,000 of which just 26,000 are professional ‘regulars’ and the other 107,000 are conscripts.


These however are backed up by over 500,000 reservists who can be ‘called-up’ within hours of an emergency.

K&C’s latest Israeli soldiers are a mix of professional, conscripts and reservists.


IDF031 “The Reservist”

A reservist stands by a roadside with his CAR 15 rifle and backpack waiting for a passing motorist to take him to his unit. In Israel it is common for motorists to stop to pick up any soldier seen waiting by the road and deliver him to his unit free-of-charge.


IDF033 “The Patrol”

A three-man section moves through an Arab neighbourhood or perhaps along a disputed border area. The NCO is charge is a ‘regular’, his two comrades are both conscripts.

Note the variety of weapons carried back in the 1970’s...

The section leader carries the CAR 15 Assault Rifle, the standing conscript carries an AK47... Before and during the 1973 Yom Kippur War the Israelis captured thousands of these excellent Assault Weapons and put them to good use.

The kneeling conscript has the M16 M203 rifle with the underslung grenade launcher.


IDF034 “Israeli Rifleman”

This Israeli soldier is carrying the Belgian-designed FN Self Loading Rifle which continued to be in front-line use during the 1973 war and was not fully replaced until the mid 1980’s.

His more casual appearance suggests he might also be a ‘reservist’ just recently called-up.


AVAILABLE: Mid September


SPECIAL NOTE: Look out for the mighty Israeli ‘Centurion’ and some additional IDF figures including a famous fighting general in a few months time.


C.                  Russia’s Sea Soldiers

Russia’s Naval Infantry has a long and varied history... The first force of ‘Sea Soldiers’ was formed in 1705 and since that time it has fought in the Napoleonic Wars... the Crimean War... the Russo-Japanese War and the 1st and 2nd World Wars.

Of all these wars and campaigns the most important was WW2 and the Naval Infantry took part in the heroic defense of Odessa, Moscow, Leningrad, Sevastopol and, of course, Stalingrad. During that war over 350,000 Soviet sailors served in the Naval Infantry and they were a familiar sight on many battlefields especially in their blue and white striped jerseys, blue ‘P’ jackets and sailor caps.

During the summer months they would often wear their off-white drill trousers tucked into the typical Russian jackboots.

These first five Naval Infantry are in ‘Assault Mode’ and carry an assortment of typical Soviet WW2 weapons and equipment.

Additional reinforcements will be available shortly.


RA080 “RNI Kneeling Firing”

A kneeling infantry sailor firing his PPSH41 submachine gun.


RA081 “RNI Rifleman”

Armed with the Mosin-Nagant bolt-action rifle this sailor seeks cover as he edges forward.


RA083 “RNI Advancing Rifleman”


RA084 “RNI Petty Officer Attacking”

This senior Naval NCO urges his men forward with his PPSH41 by his side.


RA086 “RNI Light Machine Gunner”

Running is support of his comrades is this attacking sailor with his DP7.62mm Light Machine Gun.


AVAILABLE: Mid-Late September


Please Note: A second batch of Russian Naval Infantry will be available in November 2020.


D.                 “The Auld Forty Twa”

Let’s move away, for the moment, from the muck ‘n’ dirt ‘n’ grime of WW2 to an earlier time of ‘spit ’n’ polish’ and the interwar years of pomp, parades and pageantry with our latest “CEREMONIAL” releases and ... The Black Watch.


CE031 “Sergeant-of-the-Guard”

When a battalion is stationed in barracks and not on active service it still has to perform certain public duties as well as protect and safeguard the barracks itself.

Back in the day barracks, camp locations and perimeters had to be regularly patrolled and policed allowing only those with the proper authority to both leave or enter the premises at any given times.

Overall the Officer-of-the Day would have the ultimate responsibility however he would delegate to the Guard Sergeant the actual duties of inspecting and replacing all of those on patrol and sentry duty at any given time.

Our “Sergeant-of-the-Guard” goes over the duties and responsibilities of each sentry and members of the Guard as they go on and off duty.


CE032 “Sentry Duty”

Standing smartly at attention with his Lee Enfield rifle with fixed bayonet on the left shoulder.


CE033 “Officer-of-the Day”

Although most of the actual duties of inspection and security of the barracks or camp is taken on by the Sergeant-of-the-Guard, a good Officer-of-the Day should make regular visits to and around the various locations to ensure that proper care and attention is being paid to his instructions and orders.

In between his ‘rounds’ the Officer-of-the Day is allowed to relax in The Officers’ Mess.


CE034 “Present Arms”

When approached by any officer an armed sentry should come smartly to attention and “present arms” in the manner shown as a salute to his superior.


AVAILABLE: Mid-Late September


E.                  “Welcome To Vietnam”

Due to the continuing growth of interest in our ‘Vietnam Conflict’ here are a few, new additions...


VN085 “Vietnam Flower Girl”

Even amidst all the trouble and turmoil of a country at war the ordinary peasant still has to try and earn a living somehow.

Here, a young girl makes her way from her local village down to a nearby town to sell some flowers and, hopefully, earn a few “piasters” for her trouble.


VN086 “NVA Rifleman”

War however is never far away... A North Vietnamese Regular aims his Czech-made SKS rifle at an enemy patrol moving across a flooded paddy-field.


VN087 “Shoot Now!”

An older Viet Cong encourages his comrades to open fire. Up until the TET Offensive of 1968 the majority of the fighting in South Vietnam was conducted by locally-recruited Viet Cong... After TET, when the VC were decimated, the leading role in the struggle was taken over by the NVA.


AVAILABLE: Mid September


F.                  “FRESH AMMO”

Here’s a very useful addition to the Vietnam Range...


SP113 “105mm Shells & Spent Shell Cases”

Here’s the perfect add-on to our two recently-released 105mm Howitzers VN075 and VN076

A ‘pyramid’ of 11 x 105mm Artillery Rounds together with 6 x individual ‘spent’ shell cases.


AVAILABLE: Early September


G. “Jungle Cover”

An essential part of any kind of Jungle or Desert display / diorama are... Palm Trees!

And because of their versatility they can be utilized in a wide variety of historical eras and locations.

Our two newest trees are perfect for helping collectors created a broad span of exciting scenes and scenarios.


SP111 “K&C’s Palm Trees”

These two free standing Palms are mounted on a stable textured polystone base and measure 7” and 6” in height. Packed in an attractive box the two ‘Palm Frond’ sections come together in the box with the two trees themselves and are easily assembled.


AVAILABLE: Early September


2.                  BEING RETIRED THIS MONTH...


The Swordsman


The Shooter


German Officer w/ Pistol


Turkish Commander


Sergeant w/ Sten Gun


Shooting Officer


Sergeant firing ‘Tommy’ Gun


Lance Corporal Bren Gunner


Supplies Medic


Captured British / Empire Soldier


Nazi Eagle Archway


Arnhem Road Sign


Lying Sniper


95th Bugler


Lying Prone Rifleman


Advance To Your Front


Kneeling Firing


95th Standing Firing


95th Chosen Man


95th Rifles Sergeant


95th Rifles Kneeling Loading


95th Rifles Officer w/ Sabre


The Shop House


And that’s the story so far... for another 30 days. Hope there’s something you like and want.


All the best and happy collecting!


Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country Ltd.