King & Country




Well the weather in Hong Kong is a mixture of hot, wet and humid — typical August…roll on September, Chicago and the cooler months!

Now, down to business…


(1)       COMING SOON — (WE HOPE)



Our three 4-man sets of SS Panzer Grenadiers fighting in Normandy.

            WS 58 “Fighting Patrol” — A 4-man MG42 Gun Group heading towards the battle. This set includes 2 Panzer Grenadiers carrying MP40 Schmeisser Machine Pistols…another carrying the MG42 and the fourth with a Panzerfaust in one hand and his Gewehr 43 rifle in the other.

            WS 60 “Panzerschrek Team” in ambush mode…a lying prone NCO is in charge of a kneeling Panzerschrek gunner and loader plus another Grenadier with machine pistol and ‘stick’ grenade.

            WS 62 “New Tank Riders” — This is another additional set of tankriders to add on to WS31…four kneeling, sitting, crouching Panzer Grenadiers — perfect for the new WS 59 Jagdpanther Tank Destroyer.


AVAILABILITY : We’re pushing the factories to get at least advance deliveries in late August — but it could be early September.


SPECIAL NOTE : WS 59 Jagdpanthers are now in stock and available!



The new British Forces sets are also almost ready…due for delivery in the next few weeks.

            DD 52 “Command Set” shows Brigadier Lord Lovat, probably the most famous Commando leader, and his command section. With him are his personal bagpiper, Bill Millin, a radio operator and his sergeant body-guard — remember “The Longest Day” and Peter Lawford!

            DD 53 “Gun Group” shows a lying prone Bren gunner backed up by three other ‘in action’ Commandos armed with Lee Enfield rifles and a ‘Tommy gun’.

            DD 54 “Beachmaster” accurately captures Royal Navy Commander Colin Maude and his dog “Winston” directing traffic on “SWORD BEACH”. A Royal Navy signaler, a radio loudspeaker and a bicycle-carrying Commando complete this unique set.

            DD 51 is our British armour element…a superbly detailed CHURCHILL Infantry Support Tank. Our model represents one of the 6th Guards Tank Brigade’s Churchills. It’s in the markings of the 3rd Btn. Scots Guards and aptly named “DUNKIRK” — it also has “Winston’s Revenge!” chalked on the side of the turret. It comes with 2 tank crew.

            Finally there is an excellent character study of Britain’s great wartime Prime Minister…Winston S. Churchill DD 55.

            Churchill is realistically depicted as he was on D.Day +6 when he landed in Normandy to see the situation for himself dressed in naval uniform.

AVAILABILITY : Early September




A whole raft of older “Streets of Old Hong Kong” sets are being retired in order that many of them can be redesigned and replaced with upgraded sculpting and painting.

Among the sets rapidly disappearing are…

HK040            The Tea Waiter

HK041            The Mandarin Set

HK053            The Lantern Makers Set

HK053D         Individual Lantern

HK064            Street Tailor and 2 Seamstresses

HK065            2 Lady Customers

HK066            The Monkey Man

HK067            The Tea House Set

            As I said they will not be disappearing forever but next time around you will see a big, big difference.


(4)       K&C’s 20th ANNIVERSARY


As many of you know 2004 marks twenty years since King & Country began in Hong Kong. What started as a little, part-time hobby has grown and developed into a multi-million dollar business.

Over these 20 years we’ve seen the hobby and business grow and grow and there’s still plenty of room for expansion. There are millions and millions of people out there who’ve never heard or seen of a toy soldier. That’s one of the things that continues to excite me and encourage me to push the limits of what we can do with these little figures, vehicles and accessories.

            What the last 20 years have also taught me is that hard work, perseverance, quality, value and originality still have an important part to play in the collectible toy soldier business and hobby.

            The last 20 years have been a ‘roller coaster ride’ but usually a lot of fun. In that time K&C has made lots of friends…and a few enemies — but I’ve loved every minute of it. And I’m looking forward to the next 20…

            Before I sign off I would like to thank all those K&C dealers who took the time and effort to congratulate us in the latest Toy Soldier magazine. Thanks for your kindness and support.

            So, that’s the story so far…Once more we appreciate your continued business and…all the best and great sales.



Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder and Creative Director