King & Country





The Christmas pudding is finished...the last of the wines and spirits has been drunk...and it's back to the harsh reality of real life!

Seriously though, I hope all of you enjoyed the festive season and had a great sales bonanza as well.

Thanks once again for all your support throughout the year - here at K&C, we were still dispatching orders right up to 6 o'clock on Christmas Eve!

So, without further ado, let's get started...on the latest releases - back to the Age of Napoleon!



We've had many, many requests for more Napoleonics - it seems dealers and collectors alike can't get enough of them. So, for our first release of 2004, we're bringing out four great individual figures from one of Scotland's most famous (and one of our favourite) regiments - The 42nd Highlanders, better known as the Black Watch as they would have appeared at the time of Waterloo.

Our four figures are in parade formation...standing at attention and are as follows:-

NA35  A Black Watch piper (Photo to be sent next week)

NA36  A standing Highlander, rifle at his side with fixed bayonet

NA37  A standing Sergeant with pike

NA38  A Highland Officer

All of the non commissioned Highlanders are wearing the famous black feather bonnet with the traditional Black Watch red hackle on the left side. The rifleman and Sergeant also carry full back pack and marching order.

Our officer also dons the feather bonnet but is wearing tartan trews in the regimental pattern.

These four Black Watch figures are the first releases to be seen this year, we will be adding at least 8 more Napoleonic Highlanders in action later on.





As usual, with all the new items we have planned or already in the production line, we have to retire some of the older pieces.

This month's list hi-lights quite a few of the older "Streets of Old Hong Kong" sets. In addition, there are a few World War Two items that are fast running out.

So, if you want them - grab them while you can!



HK012      Colonial Governor

HK017      Governor with Hong Kong Flag

HK024      The Chinese Chess Players

HK032      Chinese Cobbler

HK033      Chinese Tea Table and Lady

HK037      Street Barber, Customer and Washstand

HK043      The Street Doctor

HK044      The Sign Writer

HK050      The Orange Tree Man and One Tree

HK050A   Orange Tree

HK052      The Old Shopkeeper and his cats

HK054      The Street School

HK061      Tai Chi Set of 3 Figures

HK069A   Single Lampost

HK069B   Street Sign Lampost "Blue Pool Road"

HK069C   Street Sign Lampost "Bonham Strand"

HK069D   Street Sign Lampost "Repulse Bay Road"

HK069E    Street Sign Lampost "Kennedy Road"

HK069F    Street Sign Lampost "Queens Road"

HK069G   Street Sign Lampost "Old Peak Road"

HK084      Sampan Set with Figure



WS33        German 20mm Flak Gun & Crew

WB01        ME109 Set

WB02        F4U Corsair



Well, that's the story so far for January. Here at K&C, we're preparing to go off to Germany to take part in the world's largest toy show - the NUREMBURG TOY FAIR in early February 2004.

Look out for next month's DISPATCHES...there's some very big news!!!

Best wishes and great sales to all.



Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder and Creative Director