King & Country


JUNE 2004



JUNE 6 1944


1)      FIRST OF ALL a very big thank you to the many K&C dealers who through their patience and understanding helped us get through the major hassle with our advance order of 88 guns.


As you know the big problem was the initial packaging which did not meet our instructions or expectations.


All of you will be relieved to know that we sent a whole K&C team into our China Factory to redesign and remake a brand-new box and packaging which we will be quality controlling this coming week.


If, as we believe, the glitches have all been "ironed-out" then we expect delivery to Hong Kong the week after. If this time everything meets our satisfaction then we will immediately start shipping out to you.


All of this checking and counter-checking may seem excessive but I know from solid experience it is both necessary and valuable in the long run. Thanks once again for your support and understanding.




This June 2004 marks sixty years since Allied Forces - American, British and Canadian stormed ashore in Normandy to break Hitler's vaunted Atlantic Wall and liberate the occupied countries of Western Europe.


As you all know K&C have put a lot of time and effort into producing an amazing array of D.Day related military miniatures and fighting vehicles to mark the occasion.


Last month we featured some of the defenders...this month it's the Allied effort we're pushing - the American forces to be exact. This June will see no less than 5 important DD sets being released. Here they are...


DD46        D.Day Paratroopers This new set echoes our very first set of D.Day GIs - DD01. This time we've got 2 x 82nd Airborne 'troopers who have joined up with 2x 101st' troopers. A couple of the poses are similar to the original DD01 set but just compare the quality difference in both sculpting and painting. What a sea change a few years can make. Even the paratroopers uniforms are muddied and they've got camonflage painted faces!


DD47 "On The Beach" (set A) The first of two sets of 2nd Rangers as they appeared on the bloody beach of OMAHA on June 6. This shows a 4-man fire support section - a lying prone rifleman is next to a BAR gunner, giving covering fire is a kneeling rifleman. Another advancing Ranger rifleman completes the set.


DD48 "On The Beach" (set B) This second 4 figure command set features an officer and his radio operator backed up by two other Rangers - one firing a "Tommy-gun" and one running rifleman.


What is particularly interesting is the finish and detail of all of these Rangers. They've obviously just landed because the bottom half of their combat trousers is still glossy wet from wading through the water!


Yet another nice touch is that many of them are still wearing their black rubber respirator bags on their chests.


As usual we don't leave our infantry and airborne unsupported...


DD49 Dodge 3/4 ton Weapons Carrier & Ben Hur Water Tanker Boy what a mouthful! But what a great set - the Weapons Carrier alone is a fantastic model but you also get a driver and an extra Paratrooper plus a removable load of AMMO and supplies and...the water trailers. Our vehicle is in 101st markings as are our 2 figures.


Next up is DD50 "The Hellcat Tank Destroyer" We've wanted to do this one for a long time...Our version is already battle-weary and crew customized. Talking of crew...there are 4 superbly natural half body figures to man the vehicle and it comes with the nickname "HELLZAPOPPIN" on the far side. A great armour add-on.


See the attachments for photos, prices and delivery schedule.



Next month, July, we've got another batch of great D.Day related releases in store for you - German again.


We'll be featuring the mighty JAGDPANTHER Tank Destroyer plus 3 all-new sets of SS Panzer Grenadiers going into action. Look out for them. More details next month.



Being British and proud of it - it would be grossly unfair to do D.Day and not do some Tommies.


In August, we hope, (maybe September) we're bringing out some very exciting British WW2 releases. These have all been designed carved and master-painted already and will be going off to the factories next week. Expect to see some famous personalities and a superb all-British armoured vehicle. More details next month.




Being retired this month are the following "Streets of Old Hong Kong" sets:

HK093 "Boy on a Water Buffalo"

HK094 "Old Man with Fish Baskets and Girl carrying bananas"

IC004 "The Court Musicians Set"



Well on that cheerful note I'll bid you all a fond farewell...until next month.


All the very best and great sales!



Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder and Creative Director