King & Country




            September is, next to December, probably my favourite month of the year and there’re two big reasons for that – CHICAGO and TEXAS. Allow me to explain … CHICAGO is, of course, The Old Toy Soldier Show and this year is its 25th Anniversary. What a show! For a few days I eat, sleep, drink and eat toy soldiers.

            It’s a great opportunity to meet old friends … make new ones … talk with dealers and collectors alike and … see what the opposition is up to!!! For these few days the entire world of toy soldiers (or a large part of it) is at the Hyatt Regency Woodfield – it’s the most fun you can have with your clothes on.

            This year I’ll be bringing our latest BERLIN’ 38 figures … the all–new FIELDS of BATTLE and our upcoming “Battle of the Bulge GI’s” plus a couple of other surprises for dealers and collectors to preview in my room.

            After CHICAGO it’s down to TEXAS and one of my all–time favourite American cities – San Antonio. Some of you may know that San Antonio is where Laura (ex wife) and still my business partner lives. Although we split up many years ago Laura was the original ‘business brain’ behind K & C and it was her idea to convert my hobby into a business. We’re still, I’m happy to say, the very best of friends and business partners in K & C and our Pub/Bar enterprise ‘Mad Dogs’ in San Antonio and ‘Joe Bananas’ in Hong Kong.

            I always have a whole bunch of business meetings in San Antonio including our annual meeting with the Neville Family who own and operate the very successful King & Country UK.

            Apart from business I also get the opportunity to go to Laura’s 1200 acre ranch … ride horses … and shoot real guns!!! My all time favourite is the lever action Model 93 Winchester rifle – just like the movies.

            Anyway enough fun ‘n’ games let’s get down to business …


1.          Battle of the Bulge’ DEALER BANNER PROMO

A big thankyou to all the dealers who joined this special promotion. All of the great looking banners will be shipped–out with the latest ‘Battle of the Bulge’ German sets in the second week of September.



Several months ago I was in conversation with Don Pielin, one of the principal forces behind this successful show. Together we decided to produce a unique show ‘giveaway’ that would be both practical and a nice memento of the show – a big shoulder carry shopping bag. The stylish all black bag has a large show logo emphasising the 25th Anniversary on one side … on the reverse is a neat looking K & C logo and message statement.

These environmentally friendly bags – they are bio degradable – will be given away free to all attendees of the show.

In addition, we have produced some additional bags for our K & C dealers. Every dealer should receive some inside their next shipment.


3.          SO WHAT’S NEW?

The big, big news this month is, of course, our ‘WinterGermans for ‘The Battle of The Bulge’ series. All you will, by now, have seen the photos. The response from dealers and collectors is very exciting and enthusiastic.

I feel confident all of us – dealers and manufacturer will be extremely pleased with the collector sales.

Here’s a quick reminder of the sets:

BBG01    ‘GRILLE’ Self Propelled Gun Set (includes 2 full figures)

BBG02    ‘Winter Patrol’ – Four walking figures

BBG03    ‘Winter Tank Riders’ – Four sitting, crouching, kneeling and standing Panzer Grenadiers

BBG04    ‘GI Prisoners’ – Three captured GI’s plus their Volksgrenadier guard.

BBG05    ‘The HETZER Tank’ – Fighting vehicle plus two figures and a road sign

BBG06    ‘Crossing The Road’ – Four action SS Grenadiers

BBG07    Sepp Dietrich’ – ‘Personality’ figure of the 6th Panzer Army commander


AVAILABILITY: Second week of September


4.          ‘Streets of Old Hong Kong

The forces of law and order – Hong Kong style circa 1897. Three colourfully uniformed members of the colonial constabulary in traditional uniform.

HK137    Policeman with Martini Henry carbine standing on guard duty

HK138    Police Corporal with notebook taking notes

HK139    Policeman on Patrol. Chinese ‘Bobby’ on the beat


AVAILABILITY: Late September



King & Country’s FIELDS of BATTLE is a new series that many of you will not have heard of. Let me give you the background …

Some time last year we decided we wanted to broaden our sales appeal by producing a range of ‘UNPAINTED’ castings for connoisseur painters to paint for themselves.

After much thought we chose to do a small group of figures with a WW2 theme. However we did not want to compete with any of our own existing ‘painted’ WW2 series – “Normandy ‘44” … IWO JIMA” etc. So we selected an earlier campaign – in this case ‘The Fall of France’ in 1940.

We went ahead designed and cast 8 original figures and 1 tank which we intended to launch in ‘kit form’ to be assembled and painted by the buyer.

Back in June and July this year. I took samples of the unpainted castings and painted versions to the States and Europe to preview with selected dealers, collectors and industry publications. The response was virtually unanimous – forget painting them by yourselfeveryone wanted them ‘painted’ a la K & C.

That being the case we rethought our entire sales and marketing strategy and decided to launch ‘FIELDS of BATTLE’ as a ‘specialist’ WW2 range that would focus on less well–known battles and campaigns. Although this new series is not ‘limited edition’ we do propose to produce smaller quantities of the different pieces until we see the general response of K & C collectors.

Having said that I personally am very excited about ‘FIELDS of BATTLE’ and its many potential possibilities. I hope you are too …



FOB001  French General’s Aide de Camp

FOB002  French Officer Saluting

FOB003  French ‘Poilu’ Presenting Arms

FOB004  French ‘Poilu’ Marching



FOB005  British Naval Officer

FOB006  British Bren Gunner Marching

FOB007  British ‘Tommy’ Marching (no helmet)

FOB008  British ‘Tommy’ Standing



FOB009  French Char B1bis Tank (with Vehicle Commander)

Special Note: All figures will be sold individually except for the vehicle commander who comes only with the tank.




6.          BERLIN ’38

Appearing in Early - Mid October will be our latest additions to our controversial and politically incorrect (but very successful) BERLIN ’38 series of Leibstandarte SS, SA Brown shirts and Hitlerjugend

This new bunch of villains includes the following:

LAH57    Dr. Josef Goebbels – Hitler’s Propaganda Minister and a particularly nasty little Nazi with a big mouth.

LAH58    Algemeine SS Man Marching. The Algemeine SS or ‘General’ SS were recruited all over Germany and served the Party on a full–time or part–time basis. Not to be confused with the ‘Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler’ although both wore the same black uniform and were under the overall command of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler.

LAH59    Algemeine SS Officer Marching

LAH60    Algemeine SS Standard Bearer Marching

LAH61    Leibstandarte SS Oath Taking Ceremony. While a Standard Bearer holds the LAH Banner horizontally two new LAH recruits, one hand on the flag, one raised, take the ‘blood’ oath of loyalty to the Fuhrer. (3 figure set)

LAH62    Taking The Oath’. Additional LAH recruit single figure.



            Five new Classic Wehrmacht soldiers in traditional parade uniform – all marching.

            LAH63            Mounted Wehrmacht Officer (on walking horse)

            LAH64            Wehrmacht Officer w/sword

            LAH65            Wehrmacht Flag Bearer w/Reich Battle Flag over shoulder

            LAH66            Wehrmacht Drummer

            LAH67            Wehrmacht Rifleman



        LAH68    Panzer 1 Tankette w/vehicle commander. Volunteers from Leibstandarte AH were given tank training in 1938 and paraded before Hitler on his birthday of that same year. Later after the outbreak of WW2 Leibstandarte AH was converted into the 1st SS Panzer Division.





7.          WS70SL ‘WINTER TIGER’ Strictly Limited

I’ve left this little surprise for almost the last item … After numerous requests we have decided to produce a very special limited edition ‘Winter Tiger’.

            This new snow camouflaged Tiger is in the markings of the 2nd SS Division DAS REICH’ as it would have appeared in the winter of 1943/44. Packed in a strong, sturdy ‘specially’ designed black box with silver graphics and lettering this set comprises the Tiger itself plus a full 5 man crew in winter uniform (all brand–new figures). An informative four page folder includes the individual number of the model itself.

            In order to satisfy the higher demand for this extra special ‘Winter Tiger’ this edition has been limited to exactly 999 pieces – no more no less. This I personally guarantee!

            We believe the worldwide appeal of this Tiger will be exceptional – don’t lose out on yours.





            See more details and photos elsewhere in this DISPATCHES.

            So, that’s the story so far … I look forward to seeing some of you in Chicago and for everyone else – have a great September!

            Best wishes to one and all.




Andy C. Neilson