First Legion is pleased to present the British Army of the Napoleonic Wars in 60mm scale hand painted metal, highly detailed toy soldiers. Nothing quite captures the feel of the British Napoleonic Army like a square formation bristling with bayonets and comprised of men of grim determination. Initially with foot guards and expanded with 92nd Gordon Highlanders, the ultimate Napoleonic British Square can be constructed with unsurpassed realism, variety, and the sculpting and painting quality that only First Legion can provide.
The other unmistakable component of any British formation were the battle lines; soldiers in red coats and carrying muskets firing volleys, loading and firing again four times a minute like clockwork. It proved to be the best possible offense and defense both against the massed double columns of the French. Populate your battle line with Highlanders or the 51
st Infantry.
Also available are Foot Artillery, Light Dragoons, 95
th Rifles, and several personality figures including the Iron Duke himself. Diorama builders should know that First Legion produces charging French cavalry to match! Please also look in separate nationality sections to find the wonderfully sculpted and painted figures of minor nations such as Nassau or Brunswick that made up part of the Coalition Armies during the Napoleonic Wars and at Waterloo.
Great Britain in the Napoleonic Wars by First Legion