Dr. John Watson

Price: $49.00


King & Country

Watson is Holmes’ best friend, assistant and occasional flatmate at 221b Baker Street. He is typically described as a Victorian-era gentleman who served as a surgeon in the British Army and saw active service on the North West Frontier during the Second Afghan War and was wounded at the Battle of Maiwand in 1880.
Again K&C's interpretation is a combination of some of the well-known actors who have portrayed him...Nigel Bruce, Edward Hardwicke and...Jude Law.

"ELEMENTARY MY DEAR WATSON" Now, whether Mr. Sherlock Holmes ever actually said those words to Dr. John Watson might remain a mystery as they have entered the list of memorable quotes and sayings attributed to the fictional detectives created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the last decades of the 19th Century. However there’s no denying that Holmes and Watson have gained worldwide recognition through the original books and stories and multitude of films and television series that have followed on.
King & Country has extended the popular “World of Dickens” series to include an additional range that explores “The Streets of Olde London” and all its many character both real...and fictional.