Lt. General Suichi Miyakazi - Rectangular Base

Price: $45.00
Retired - Last One!!!


Thomas Gunn Miniatures

Miyazaki was commissioned in 1916 and served in instructional posts for much of the interwar period. He was an instructor at the War College and had just been promoted to major general when war broke out in the Pacific. He became chief of staff of 17 Army at Rabaul in October 1942. He saw action at Guadalcanal and Bougainville before being recalled to Tokyo in May 1943.
Miyazaki served in staff positions for the remainder of the war. He was persuaded by Yamashita that Tokyo did not understand the situation in the Philippines, and worked against further interference by Imperial General Headquarters with Yamashita's operations. Miyazaki later advocated the position that Japan, rather than Okinawa, would be the decisive battlefield of the war. In line with this view, he blocked the reinforcement of Okinawa by the 84th Division in January 1945.
Miyakazi is picture middle row to the far right during the surrender ceremony.

Limited Edition, while stock lasts.