British Sepoy Officer, Battle of Wandewash

Price: $54.00


John Jenkins Designs

The Battle of Wandewash was a confrontation between the French under the command of The Comte de Lally, and the British Sir Eyre Coote. It was the decisive battle in the Anglo French struggle in southern India during the Seven Years War.

At the outset native units were in effect mercenary bands, recruited, equipped and led by their own officers, and generally referred to as Peons. By 1750 the East India Company were training and equipping their native soldiers in European fashion, and distinguishing them from the earlier rabble by using the term Sepoys instead.
In Bengal the first permanent unit of Sepoys was formed by Clive in early 1757. Clive dressed the Bengal Sepoys in red which was also adopted by the Madras units in 1759.