Ranger Radio Team

Price: $118.00


King & Country

This 2-man team shows a kneeling Ranger on his personal radio as another standing Ranger covers him.

Back in 1993, an elite force of U.S. Army Rangers backed up by a few U.S. Special Forces were tasked with a mission to capture a Somali warlord’s top lieutenants in the centre of the Somalian Capital city of Mogadishu.
After being helicoptered into the middle of the city almost everything that could go wrong did go wrong… Two Blackhawk helicopters were shot down by rocket-propelled grenades, leaving surviving aircrew at great risk on both crash sites.
As some of the U.S. Rangers fought through to the first crash location they came under heavy enemy ground fire and were pinned down.
Meanwhile, two U.S. Special Forces soldiers landed near the second downed Blackhawk and courageously fought off hundreds of Somali militiamen for a short time before they too were killed. The lone survivor of this downed Blackhawk was the wounded pilot who was soon captured.
As the battle raged a ground force of Rangers, under the command of Colonel Danny McKnight in their ‘HUMVEE’ armored carriers were also battling through the city trying to reach their fellow Rangers.