Four Lads From Liverpool

Price: $249.00


King & Country

In the cold, wet winter month of February 1963 Andy Neilson of K&C was 14 years old and delivering newspapers early each morning before he went to school.
In among the newspapers would occasionally be one of the weekly comics or magazines that might appeal to the younger sons or daughters of the people getting their daily newspaper delivered. Being always inquisitive, he would flick through the pages of these comics or ‘mags’ to see if anything interested him. On this particular occasion he came across a ‘wall poster’ insert featuring a group of four young guys from Liverpool called ‘The Beatles’. He remembered hearing their first record ‘Love Me Do’ a few months before… Not a great record, he thought, but not bad for a first attempt.
A couple of weeks later, The Beatles released their second .45 record “Please, Please Me” and like millions of other British kids he was bowled over and it went straight to #1. From that day until today he is still a Beatles fan and will be until his dying day!
Throughout his teenage years The Beatles were the sound track of one of the most exciting decades in British history. The Beatles changed everything…how we looked, how we spoke, what we liked, who we listened to and, importantly, when to seize opportunities when and if they ever happened.

This unique little set, inspired by the Sgt. Pepper album cover, is K&C’s tribute to these four lads from relatively modest, working class backgrounds in Liverpool who rose to the highest heights of fame and fortune… and changed the world!