Persian War Elephant Being Slain

Price: $1,295.00
Pre-order Only


First Legion

Not yet released - expected in late January.

This item is Limited to just 95.

The Persians used War Elephants raised from Indian territories under Persian rule. They were trained by their “Mahout” (driver) who rode them into battle directing their movements.
Other than the driver, other men armed with javelins and bows would ride in the tower on the back of the Elephant to launch missiles into enemy troops. As they were such large beasts their primary purpose was to strike fear into the enemy soldiers, most of which would never have seen such an animal. The results of using them in battle were mixed as they were difficult to control when panicked and were just as likely to trample friends as well as enemies.

At Gaugamela, Darius had 15 such elephants which were placed at the center of the Persian line where they made quite an impression on the Macedonians facing them.

First Legion has recreated the war elephant with an absolutely superb level of sculpting and incredibly intricate hand painting, particularly that on the ornate blankets and cloths which cover the elephants sides, head, and rear making this a unique and incredibly high quality piece.
The depiction this time features 3 Macedonians attacking the elephant with a 4th being trampled under foot. For the Persians, there is a Mahout Driver, and 2 men in the Tower, one fighting and the second a casualty. This is a limited edition Special Collectors Set of only 95 pieces available for customers to purchase worldwide.

Please note that certain parts of the set MAY be shipped packed unassembled in the shipping carton to prevent damage in transit. The arrows and spears sticking out of the Elephant are examples and possibly the 2 x Macedonians with the spears stabbing the elephant being packed separately and put in place upon receipt.
The goal of course is to ensure it arrives free of damage while minimizing as much as possible what needs to be done by the collector.