This is a Consignment sale set we are offering. It comes with its original box and is in very good condition.
Figures are made of a softer metal so they do bend easily.
*Plume on piece #4 is a separate piece pegged into place. Shown up close in final photo.
All the Queen's Men Toy Soldiers by Derek Cross
TB395 The Rearguard - The Great Retreat 1812
Limited Edition #31
Gloss Finish
Each piece is marked on the bottom so you know where to place them according to the included map.
"The snow fell heavily, freezing damp clothes to marching bodies. An envelope of ice seizes and stiffens their limbs. A sharp violent wind grabs their breath, forming icicles on beards and mouths, muskets slip from hands, some trip and fall. Soon snow covers them." Ney's Rearguard, stand firm against repeated Cossack attacks.