Mogadishu Militiaman Shouting HALT!

Price: $55.00
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King & Country

Not yet released - expected in mid-March.

Here, this sunglass-wearing militiaman extends one hand to say “Halt!” while his other holds the ubiquitous AK-47.
His colourful outfit includes a green and white checkered ‘Keffiyeh’ the arab-style headdress scarf popularized by Islamic terrorists the world over, together with some kind of a camouflage shirt, casual denim jeans and… sports shoes!

Mohamed Farrah Aideed was one of the most important ‘Clan’ leaders in Somalia during the 1980s and well into the 1990s making large sums of money through arms smuggling, drug trafficking and stealing United Nations supplied food relief and medical supplies.
To protect him, his family and their fiefdom Aideed had built up a well-armed militia of men, women and children who were both fanatically loyal to him personally and liberally supplied with all kinds of lethal weaponry usually from Moscow.These included the inevitable AK-47s… shoulder launched SA-7 surface-to-air missiles plus a whole range of heavy weapons including tanks, armoured personnel carriers and, of course, hundreds of RPGs.
In mid 1993 Mogadishu, anyone could purchase or obtain any weapon or indeed any complete weapon system that was currently on the market.For example, the latest Russian made RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade) cost as little as US $10:00 each … What a bargain!!!