French Royal Deux-Ponts Officer, 1781

Price: $52.00


W. Britain

This officer is dressed and equipped as regulated by the 1779 ordonnance. Capt. Hans Christoph Friedrich Ignatz Ludwig von Closen-Haydenburg (1752–1830), son of a baron an lieutenant colonel, following in the footsteps of several of his relatives, joined the Royal Deux-Ponts regiment in 1769. Upon the arrival of the French army in America, Rochambeau named Closen one of his aides-de-camp, and on the afternoon of July 8th 1783, he recorded his impression of the American Continentals that paraded for inspection “The whole effect was rather good. Their arms were in good condition; some regiments had white cotton uniforms. Their clothing consisted of a coat, jacket, vest, and trousers of white cloth, buttoned from the bottom to the calves, like gaiters. Several battalions wore little black caps, with white plumes. Only General Washington’s mounted guard and Sheldon’s legion wore large caps with bearskin fastenings as crests. Three-quarters of the Rhode Island regiment consists of negroes, and that regiment is the most neatly dressed, the best under arms, and the most precise in its maneuvers. The American army is always drawn up in two lines, a custom which we have also adopted.”

1/30 Scale, Matte Finish